label for 2-photon applications

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els vanstreels els vanstreels
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label for 2-photon applications

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Dear all,

Does anybody have suggestions about what would be a good dye to choose to label our favourite protein for 2-photon applications.  Which dyes get excited most efficiently (in our hands we did for example not get very satisfying results with Alexa488)?  Are there dyes that get excited more efficiently in 2-photon than GFP does in 1-photon excitation?



Best regards,





Dr. Ir. Els Vanstreels

Rega Institue for Medical Research

Minderbroedersstraat 10

3000 Leuven


Tel.: +32-16332881

Fax.: +32-16332131


Disclaimer: for more information.

Haberman, Ann Haberman, Ann
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Re: label for 2-photon applications

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Dear Els,

We find that AlexaFluor 568 and 633 work very well with 2p excitation at wavelengths of 850 -900 nm. But it sounds as if you are looking for a dye with a green emission. FITC is also easily excited with 2p lasers at 780-825 nm, but I am unsure how it compares to GFP in terms of efficiency.


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Dear all,
Does anybody have suggestions about what would be a good dye to choose to label our favourite protein for 2-photon applications.  Which dyes get excited most efficiently (in our hands we did for example not get very satisfying results with Alexa488)?  Are there dyes that get excited more efficiently in 2-photon than GFP does in 1-photon excitation?
Best regards,
Dr. Ir. Els Vanstreels
Rega Institue for Medical Research
Minderbroedersstraat 10
3000 Leuven
Tel.: +32-16332881
Fax.: +32-16332131

Disclaimer: for more information.

Ann Haberman, PhD
Connecticut Microscopy Society, President
In Vivo Imaging Facility, Director

Department of Laboratory Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine
300 Cedar Street
TAC S541
New Haven, CT 06510

203-785-5415 (fax)
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