linescan return time on Biorad MRC 1024

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Jennifer Clarke Jennifer Clarke
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linescan return time on Biorad MRC 1024

Dear Listers

Does anyone know

1. What the linescan return / dead time is for a line scan on a Biorad MRC 1024
confocal microscope?  
Eg at scan speeds of 166 or 488 lines per second, or as a proportion of any
given line time.

2. Whether the full line scan on a Biorad MRC 1024 is digitised or if only part
of the line scan is digitised?  If only part of each line is digitised, what
proportion is this of the whole line?

(This information is needed to determine pixel dwell times for raster image
correlation spectroscopy (RICS) experiments.)

Many thanks!

Jennifer Clarke BSc (Hons) PhD
Research Associate, Anatomy and Histology
Centre for Neuroscience, School of Medicine
Facility Manager, Optical Microscopy Suite, Flinders Microscopy

Flinders University
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001
Phone: 61 8 8204 6454 / 61 8 8204 6637
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