mmc2017 and EMAG Oral Abstract Deadline Today

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Mel Reedman-2 Mel Reedman-2
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mmc2017 and EMAG Oral Abstract Deadline Today

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Dear All

Today is your last chance to submit an oral abstract to mmc2017 and EMAG 2017.

The 2017 Microscience Microscopy Congress is set to be the biggest yet in the series, taking place from 3 - 6 July this summer in Manchester. Oral abstract submission closes at midnight tonight so make sure you submit your abstract to be a part of this huge event.

mmc2017 will incorporate a number of popular smaller meetings; EMAG 2017, Frontiers in Bioimaging, the annual SPM meeting and sessions jointly organised by the MSI and the SMG meaning that the Call for Papers is multi-disciplinary and incredibly wide-reaching. Over 750 conference delegates attended mmc2015 so you can be sure that presenting at mmc2017 will give you a great way to share and discuss your work with cross-disciplinary peers from all over the world.

For the first time, mmc2017 will be offering flash talks as well as oral and poster presentations. Trialled at EMAG2016, flash talks give poster presenters to give a 5 minute talk as part of the conference programme to present their work, allowing for further discussion to be conducted at their poster in the exhibition hall during refreshment breaks or the daily designated poster sessions. Flash talks will be offered at the discretion of the reviewers so will not be available to select when you submit your abstract.

mmc2017 conference registration is currently open and the early bird registration fees will remain in place until 15 May.
Oral abstract submission closes at midnight tonight. Submit your abstract and be a part of mmc2017 at
Poster Abstract Submission will close on 17 March
Late-breaking posters will then be accepted until May.