must move a LSM510 confocal

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Nobby Clark Nobby Clark
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must move a LSM510 confocal

Hello List,
We are in the look out for someone who potentially might be interested
in our Zeiss Confocal. We purchased this unit in July of 2009 and have
never set it up. It was purchased used but was only used about 8
times. We have lost our funding and now find ourselves in a situation
to sell for allot less then we paid for it. Consequently, we must find
a good home. Perhaps someone knows of anyone who is looking for a
wonderful instrument.We are looking for the best offer over $100,000.
we must move it now.


This unit is NLO ready. Unit DOES NOT include air table.

Dual-Photon-Ready CSLM On Fully Motorized AxioImager Z.1 Mot Stand, 3
x Laser Cart (2x HeNe, Ar). Delivered vai Single Optical Fiber,
Non-linear Optics And AOM For Pulsed IR Dual-Photon Laser.5 x PMTs (3
Descanned PMTs, 1 Non-Descanned PMT For 2P Imaging, Plus 1
Transmitted-Light PMT For Simultaneous DIC). X-Y-Z Motorized Stage
With 8-Slide Holder Insert & Microtitre-Plate Holder Insert, Software

Additional Modules: Physiology, Multi-Time Series, Topography, 3D,Plan
Apochromat Objectives , DIC Sliders, Senarmont Compensator Polarizer,
75W XBO Lamp, Filters 02, 09, 00. 100W HAL, Test Slide
Standards/Samples, (2) EPI 10X/20 Eyepieces, With Laser Module WSB
Piezodrive 05.

Nobby Clark
Carmet Scientific

(707) 824-5705 P
(707) 528-5811 F
(707) 494-0191 C

[hidden email]