need an intro

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rjpalmer rjpalmer
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need an intro

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We are trying to resurrect a Perkin Elmer UltraView RS spinning disc
system bought about 8 years ago.  No one here has any history with
the machine and it is of course not on a service contract.  It is
currently "unable to initialize RS electronics box" despite said box
being properly connected and powered up.  We have a call in to our PE
field rep but there is no guarantee that route will lead anywhere.
Also, we will need a bit more assistance (software) than that person
is willing to provide gratis.  Any ideas on why the software can't
recognize the electronics box?  Does anyone in the immediate area
have some time to go through the software basics?  We could send
someone to you for a "demo".
Thanks -
Robert J. Palmer Jr., Ph.D.
Natl Inst Dental Craniofacial Res - Natl Insts Health
Oral Infection and Immunity Branch
Bldg 30, Room 310
30 Convent Drive
Bethesda MD 20892
ph 301-594-0025
fax 301-402-0396