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Nobby Clark Nobby Clark
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(no subject)

Dear list,
We have sent out  previous emails to the list. We purchased a Zeiss
Confocal LSM510NLO  that we have now lost our funding. We now must move
this confocal. We will work with anybody who has true iterest in buying
this from us. If you are interested in it please contact us .
Nobby Clark
Vernita Gordon Vernita Gordon
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Re: (no subject)

Hi Nobby,

Where are you, and what is your timescale and constraints/expectations on moving this confocal?  What are the funding needs associated with it?  How much money are you asking for it?

I will be starting a faculty position at UT Austin in August, and I'd be interested in having this instrument in my lab there, if the money was right.  I think there would be space to store it until I got there, if the money and everything else was good.


2009/12/2 Nobby Clark <[hidden email]>
Dear list,
We have sent out  previous emails to the list. We purchased a Zeiss
Confocal LSM510NLO  that we have now lost our funding. We now must move
this confocal. We will work with anybody who has true iterest in buying
this from us. If you are interested in it please contact us .
Nobby Clark

Nobby Clark Nobby Clark
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Re: (no subject)

On Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:45:07 -0600, Vernita Gordon
<[hidden email]>
> Dear Vernita,
 We are in Santa Rosa, CA. Initially I was looking for around 180k,
however, I am willing to swing it for 125k if we can make it happen this
month. Do you have any questions about our system? It might be useful to
know that while the Ar laser(458nm, 488nm 514nm), Green HeNe (543nm), and
Red HeNe (633nm) will be present, the Ti:Sapphire NLO
laser will not be. This is an external laser that is typically purchased by
the customer. In any event, this is an incredible system and as expected
user manual, software (version 3.5), and a warranty are all included. Let
me know what you think.

Hi Nobby,
> Where are you, and what is your timescale and constraints/expectations on
> moving this confocal?  What are the funding needs associated with it?
> much money are you asking for it?
> I will be starting a faculty position at UT Austin in August, and I'd be
> interested in having this instrument in my lab there, if the money was
> right.  I think there would be space to store it until I got there, if

> money and everything else was good.
> v
> 2009/12/2 Nobby Clark <[hidden email]>
>> Dear list,
>> We have sent out  previous emails to the list. We purchased a Zeiss
>> Confocal LSM510NLO  that we have now lost our funding. We now must move
>> this confocal. We will work with anybody who has true iterest in buying
>> this from us. If you are interested in it please contact us .
>> Thanks
>> Nobby Clark
>> 707-494-0191