post-doc position available, biochemical imaging / optogenetics - University of Cambridge

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Alessandro Esposito Alessandro Esposito
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post-doc position available, biochemical imaging / optogenetics - University of Cambridge

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Dear all,
      the job offer is about to be closed. I am looking for a scientist with a
recent PhD in physics, engineering or related disciplines to work on optical
techniques dedicated to sense and perturb biochemical reactions in living cells.

I believe it is an excellent opportunity to work in a very international and inter-
disciplinary envirnoment as we have state of the art imaging facitilties within a
cancer institute.

We have also a fully equipped laser lab and developping new technologies,
spanning from time resolved solid state detectors to optgenetics platforms.

The job advert is here: and the deadline
is on the 14th.

Would you know anybody or would you be interest please either apply directly
or contact me.

Kind regards,


Dr Alessandro Esposito

MRC Cancer Unit
University of Cambridge
Hutchison/MRC Research Centre
Box 197, Biomedical Campus
United Kingdom

+44(0)1223 330605 (office)
+44(0)1223 763241 (FAX)
+44(0)795 4383731 (mobile)