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George McNamara |
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To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Dear fluorescence imaging researchers and vendors, I am planning on adding more spectra to the PubSpectra Excel data file (XLSX file inside http://www.sylvester.org/documents/PubSpectra.zip ). We already have 2,000 spectra and would like your help in adding more. A lot of these spectra were digitized from PDFs by me using a program called Un-Scan-It. This was a lot of work. I would appreciate if you could please do some or all of the following: * Post your company/lab data on your web site and send a web link to me at [hidden email] and [hidden email] * Email me spectra data file(s) (note: my earthlink email address has a a few megabyte limit on attachment size). I suggest including PubSpectra in the subject line. * Future spectra data: Please include spectra data file(s) in your supplemental data (publications) and on your web site (publications and products). I suggest using the format of the data worksheet tabs of PubSpectra XSLX, that is, various notes - including data source! - in the first ~170 rows, and data in 1 nm steps from 180 to 1600 nm. Spectra data of interest includes (but is not necessarily limited to): fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins, FRET/BRET/LRET/QRET spectra, before and after photoconversion/photoactivation/photoswitching, multiphoton absorption/action cross sections, microscope - and flow cytomery - filters and filter sets, camera (CCD, EMCCD, scientific CMOS), PMT, APD, hybrid detector quantum efficiency curves, light sources (LED, metal halide, Hg, Xe, Hg/Xe,tunable laser power curves, etc. I am happy to have additinal types of spectra that could be of use to the scientific community. As I point in our 2006 Cytometry article discussion (freely accesible through http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=16969821 ), data are facts, facts are not subject to copyright. To extend this further, cost of getting spectra onto your web site, manuscripts, supplemental file, marketing material, etc, that is, open access data, is minor compared to the benefit of the scientific community to have access to the data. Or to put another way: If it is worth publishing as a spectra graph, it is worth making the data openly accessible. I also want to make clear that everyone is welcome to repost, modify, do whatever you want, with the PubSpectra XLSX file (and the other files inside the ZIP file). If you think you can make lots of money re-selling the file - you are welcome to try. If you decide to add data yourself and post the modified version on your web site, I suggest that you create a separate worksheet "tab" to reduce chaos. When I have a sufficient amount of data added, I will arrange with my University of Miami webmaster to post the updated file on my core web site (URL at top) and alert Prof. Urs Utzinger, U Arizona, so he can update his graphing web site http://www.spectra.arizona.edu/ and Will Cukierski, Rutgers Univ., the web master for the http://www.pubspectra.org web site (which currently is not operational, Will has registered the address). If you know anyone who has generated fluorescence related spectra and not made it "open data access" I encourage you to forward this email to them and invite them to contribute. I will post this message on the Confocal Listserv. Feel free to re-post this message to flow cytometry, chemistry, and other forums, and to write letters/editorials at your favorite journals/publishers encouraging open data access of spectra (and other data!). Sincerely, George George McNamara, Ph.D. Image Core Manager Analytical Imaging Core Facility (AICF), DRI 6025 University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine Diabetes Research Institute, John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, and UM/Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Mailing address: University of Miami 1450 NW 10th Ave, mailstop R-134, DRI 6025 Miami, FL 33136 305-243-8436 office 305-764-2081 cell [hidden email] [hidden email] (personal) http://www.sylvester.org/AICF (AICF home page) http://sccc.ccs.miami.edu/AICFScheduler (AICF online scheduler) PubSpectra (current website) or http://home.earthlink.net/~pubspectra (old web site) PubSpectra data http://www.sylvester.org/documents/PubSpectra.zip (download 2000+ spectra) PubSpectra / UA Graphing Site http://www.mcb.arizona.edu/ipc/fret/index.html (Carl Boswell, now retired) New UA Spectra Database Site http://www.spectra.arizona.edu/ (Urs Utzinger) Care to link? http://www.linkedin.com/in/georgemcnamara Ready for imaging in 2012? Check out: 15th annual South East Ultrafast Conference (SEUFC), January 12-13, 2012, Orlando, FL - Coherent Lasers and University of Central Florida http://www.coherent.com/company/index.cfm? fuseaction=Forms.page&pageID=162 Miami 2012 Winter Symposium: Nanotechnology in Biomedicine, February 26- 29, 2012, Miami, FL - Nature Publishing Group / University of Miami / Scripps Florida http://www.nature.com/natureconferences/miami/mws2012/speakers.html Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) International Symposium, March 17-20, 2012, Orlando, FL http://conf.abrf.org/index.cfm Biomedical Optics 2012 (OSA BIOMED), April 29-May 2, 2012, Miami, FL - Optical Society of America http://www.osa.org/meetings/topical_meetings/BIOMED/default.aspx |
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