someone experienced with colocalization analysis in Mississippi, AL or LA ?

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Cromey, Douglas W - (dcromey) Cromey, Douglas W - (dcromey)
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someone experienced with colocalization analysis in Mississippi, AL or LA ?

---I'm trying this again, since yesterday's message apparently came encoded.---

I received a query from a faculty member I've never met before (located in central Mississippi) regarding performing colocalization analysis.  I prefer to do service work for people that I can meet in person (makes solving problems SO much easier).  Can anyone recommend a lab/expert that's a little closer to Jackson, MS than Tucson, AZ?

Best regards,

Douglas W. Cromey, M.S. - Assistant Scientific Investigator
Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Medicine, University of Arizona
1501 N. Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ  85724-5044 USA

office:  AHSC 4212         email: [hidden email]
voice:  520-626-2824       fax:  520-626-2097
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