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I have the oportunity to work several times in a IX81 and IX71 with a ZDC on them, for a 3, 4 and 5 days observations, the most important thing that you have to consider, or at least the most often situation observed from our side was:
1. Medium getting dry
2. Medium losing nutrients
3. Cells moving ont the x, y axis so they exit and entered the focused spot
All this was observed in different kinds of samples, as there are some cells moving little trough time. Apart from this, the focus steadiness was more than initially expected.
Hope it helps
Gabriel OH
> Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 08:29:22 -0600
> From:
[hidden email]
> Subject: stability of Olympus ZDC 2
> To:
[hidden email]
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> Hello,
> I appreciate if somebody is able to comment on the long term stability of
> Olympus ZDC 2 autofocus system. I am planning to do time lapse imaging with
> xy-scanning which lasts one to two days. Would this system be able to keep
> the focus for this period of time?
> Thank you,
> Jaan Mannik
> Dept. of Physics, University of Tennessee