super-resolution job at Imperial College

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Martin Spitaler Martin Spitaler
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super-resolution job at Imperial College

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Dear all,

   in the the light microscopy facility at Imperial College we are
recruiting a support staff to help with all aspects of our new
super-resolution microscope, from installation to testing, maintenance,
quality checks, user training, data handling, data processing, data
workflow and integration. The post is funded for one year as part of the
BBSRC funding for the microscope. An essential part of the job will be
to collaborate with the Bioinformatics Support Service and authors of
analysis software (open-source and commercial) to integrate the
super-resolution data workflow, e.g. via batch processing tools, Omero
scripts etc. Although fixed-term, this is a rather special opportunity
to get involved in an exciting super-resolution project in a vibrant
research place, and being part of our lively facility, the person can
also acquire invaluable experience in all aspects of facility life and
light microscopy in biomedical research.

  For further details see online job description (RB158-13)
or contact Stephen Rothery or Martin Spitaler (contact info on FILM
website > CONTACTS

   Deadline for applications is unfortunately already on Wed 18 Dec,
interviews will be on or around around Mon-Tue 13-14 January 2014.



*Martin Spitaler, PhD*

*FILM - Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy*
- Facility Manager -
Sir Alexander Fleming Building, desk 401
Imperial College London / South Kensington
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ

Tel. +44-(0)20-759-42023
E-mail [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
John Hyun-2 John Hyun-2
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3D structure of heat and pain receptor solved to near-atomic resolution

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

To those performing Cryo-EM,

You may be interested in a recent article in Nature, (Liao et. al.*).
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) researchers report that
they have solved the 3D structure of the TRPV1 ion channel to a
near-atomic resolution (3.4 Angstroms) using cry electron microscopy
(cryo-EM) employing a Gatan K2 Summit electron counting camera. This marks
the first time that the detailed structure of a member of the large and
diverse TRP channel family has been solved.

³Ion channels are among the highest potential targets for drug
development. Understanding these channels at atomic resolution speeds up
the development of powerful therapeutics that modulate the activity of
these channels², says Dr. Christopher Booth, Life Science Product Manager
at Gatan. ³Until now the 3D structure of ion channels could only be solved
using 2D or 3D crystallography, which often required years of painstaking
effort to create crystalline samples. This trail blazing work shows that
near atomic-resolution structural biology research is now possible without
the need for crystallization.²

³Our team has been trying to solve this structure using X-ray
crystallography for several years, but we were never able to crystallize
the TRPV1 proteins to undertake these kinds of experiments,² says David
Julius, professor of physiology at the University of California, San
Francisco (UCSF). ³This is the first time we¹ve been able to resolve side
chains in membrane proteins without crystallization,² says Yifan Cheng,
associate professor of biochemistry and biophysics at UCSF.  ³It shows
that single-particle cryo-EM can now be used to solve small, low symmetry
particles at the highest resolution, and that cryo-EM is applicable to
some of the most difficult specimens.²

³This benchmark result is proof that the Gatan K2 Summit electron counting
camera is revolutionizing structural biology,² states Dr. Sander Gubbens,
Gatan¹s President.  ³We are immensely proud that our K2 Summit camera is
dramatically expanding the field of cryo-EM and enabling truly novel

The K2 Summit is the result of a very successful collaboration between
scientists at Gatan, the University of California San Francisco, and the
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, with partial funding from the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the National Science Foundation
through an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Major Instrumentation

 *Liao M., Cao E., Julius D., Cheng Y., Structure of the TRPV1 ion channel
determined by electron cryo-microscopy.  Nature, 504 pp.107-112.
doi:10.1038/nature12822. See article at:

UCSF Press Release:

Information on Gatan K2 Summit:

Best regards,

John Hyun

Gatan, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
5794 W.  Las Positas Blvd.
Pleasanton, CA 94588 USA

Tel:  1.925.224.7340
Fax: 1.925.463.0204
Email: [hidden email]

On 12/6/13 9:23 AM, "Martin Spitaler" <[hidden email]> wrote:

>To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>Dear all,
>   in the the light microscopy facility at Imperial College we are
>recruiting a support staff to help with all aspects of our new
>super-resolution microscope, from installation to testing, maintenance,
>quality checks, user training, data handling, data processing, data
>workflow and integration. The post is funded for one year as part of the
>BBSRC funding for the microscope. An essential part of the job will be
>to collaborate with the Bioinformatics Support Service and authors of
>analysis software (open-source and commercial) to integrate the
>super-resolution data workflow, e.g. via batch processing tools, Omero
>scripts etc. Although fixed-term, this is a rather special opportunity
>to get involved in an exciting super-resolution project in a vibrant
>research place, and being part of our lively facility, the person can
>also acquire invaluable experience in all aspects of facility life and
>light microscopy in biomedical research.
>  For further details see online job description (RB158-13)
>or contact Stephen Rothery or Martin Spitaler (contact info on FILM
>website > CONTACTS
>   Deadline for applications is unfortunately already on Wed 18 Dec,
>interviews will be on or around around Mon-Tue 13-14 January 2014.
>*Martin Spitaler, PhD*
>*FILM - Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy*
>- Facility Manager -
>Sir Alexander Fleming Building, desk 401
>Imperial College London / South Kensington
>Exhibition Road
>London SW7 2AZ
>Tel. +44-(0)20-759-42023
>E-mail [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>