Re: BioRad MRC 600 manual?

Posted by J.P. Shields on

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Hi Marc,
I'll look around our lab, we may have one to send.
Give me your address and I'll pass on everything I find.
EM Lab
UGA, Athens GA

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Marc Green
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 8:28 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: BioRad MRC 600 manual?

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Hi all,

I have some colleagues with what seems to be a perfectly functional (if
obviously aged) MRC 600.

Today I was able to get it fired up and confirm all the important bits are
in working order.

It would be nice to fumble along WITH a manual....

Does anybody have any MRC 600 documentation they would be willing to donate
or reproduce for us? (the Zeiss rep my colleagues talked to was negative on
the prospect of purchasing one)


Marc D Green
[hidden email]