Zeiss Z driver for 64-bit windows

Posted by Vitaly Boyko on
URL: http://confocal-microscopy-list.275.s1.nabble.com/Re-MetaMorph-Journal-to-image-wandering-cells-tp7579685p7579710.html

We are having issues with accurate z positioning during xyz
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Dear All,

We are having issues with accurate z positioning during xyz scans on Zeiss Axiovert 200 under Metamorph in 'Asynchronous' mode (with total z in the range of 200 um, there are no issues within 70um). 
It is accurate under 'Synchronous' mode but xyz acquisition unacceptably slow.

These problems are seen only under 64-bit Windows (32-bit driver is OK).

Does anyone have similar issues and/or solution to the z drive accuracy?

Is anyone around who is responsible for bridging Zeiss and Molecular Devices? 

Is there anyone at MolDev who could "speak German"? 

