3D printers for microscopy projects
Posted by
Arvydas Matiukas on
URL: http://confocal-microscopy-list.275.s1.nabble.com/Re-MetaMorph-Journal-to-image-wandering-cells-tp7579685p7579737.html
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Dear list,
Please share/advice what 3D printers you use to manufacture
parts for microscopy projects. BTW, what is good enough
material to make mechanical/microscopy parts from?
We are expanding our Confocal Microscopy Core along with
other Cores as we will be moving into a new research building,
and I would like to start using 3D printer. So far on the listserv
I found only mentioning of manufacturing some "crude boxes"
I found quite informative website
http://www.3dprinter.net/directory/personal-3d-printersthat lists many current manufacturers along with specs
and even awards. It would be very useful to know how
efficient/useful are these machines for microscopy projects.
Arvydas Matiukas, Ph.D.
Director of Confocal&Two-Photon Core
Department of Pharmacology
SUNY Upstate Medical University
766 Irving Ave., WH 3167
Syracuse, NY 13210
tel.: 315-464-7997
fax: 315-464-8014
[hidden email]