Re: Web app to direct user to the right microscope?

Posted by Benjamin Smith on

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One resource I do steer a lot of researchers to who want to learn more
about microscopy is the Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer site.  The
descriptions and interactive tutorials are immensely helpful in helping a
lay-person understand how all the different imaging modalities work, and
what all those knobs and switches actually do.  I can say as a graduate
student who knew nothing about microscopes but whose research was heavily
reliant on getting a LSCM to work at the limits of its capacity, this site
was invaluable.  Once someone graduates past that, the "Imaging: A
Laboratory Manual" from Cold Spring Harbor is another excellent resource.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 2:48 PM Cammer, Michael <
[hidden email]> wrote:

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> Even if a sophisticated AI system could capture all the meeting and in lab
> experiments I have done over the last 30 years and score them, it would not
> have enough data for an app.  I bet if it included yor experiences too, it
> wouldn't be enough.
> Also, one of the replies says, "[I]n my experience users often don't even
> know how to phrase what it is that they want to do in terms of what the
> microscope is capable of[.]"  They don't understand what microscopy can
> do.  They don't know what questions to ask.
> Often they need help with the biology too.
> We would have to give them a significant education just to understand the
> app.
> And the people who do understand microscopy can read the webpages and ask
> a few follow-up questions to see what we offer.  Maybe they teach us stuff
> too.
> Michael Cammer, Sr Research Scientist, DART Microscopy Laboratory
> NYU Langone Health, 540 First Avenue, SK2 Microscopy Suite, New York, NY
> 10016
> [hidden email]
> Voice direct only, no text or messages:  1-914-309-3270 and 1-646-501-0567
> ________________________________
> From: Confocal Microscopy List <[hidden email]> on
> behalf of Jacqueline Ross <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 5:17:28 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: Web app to direct user to the right microscope?
> *****
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> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
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> Dear Matthieu,
> Even though I have email correspondence with equipment users prior to
> their training session, I am still often surprised when they show up with
> their samples.
> For live imaging, I always meet with the person face-to-face before
> booking any equipment so that I can determine which system is best for them
> to start with and there are so many questions that need to be
> asked/answered.
> Also, we have such a broad range of research to support in our facility,
> from biological/biomedical/pharmacy to materials/geology, etc. that it
> would be very hard to cover all options and possibilities. Plus there is
> always the analysis to consider and we try to take the reverse view as per
> the paper that Teng-Leong alluded to and advertised to this list a while
> ago.
> I do have people asking to learn particular instrumentation as they can
> see all of our machines on our website. But I still ask the questions as
> sometimes they will ask to learn an invert (or upright) when their sample
> is not suitable. For example, the very confident person who requested the
> upright and turned up with a multiwell plate...
> I think our team of experts is still the best option for helping users
> decide and in a timely way. We are also the ones who will be training and
> supporting them so we do need to know what is coming!
> Kind regards,
> Jacqui
> From: Confocal Microscopy List <[hidden email]> On
> Behalf Of VERMEREN Matthieu
> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 4:28 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Web app to direct user to the right microscope?
> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on<> and include the
> link in your posting.
> *****
> Dear all,
> I've been repetitively asked by some users if I could build a Web app that
> would guide them through a series of questions (like a personality test) to
> the ideal microscope(s) for their experiment. Does anyone have experience
> with this? Which app have you used?
> Obviously, I'd rather they come and talk but maybe I'm just scary :-)
> Sincerely,
> Matthieu
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> =================================

Benjamin E. Smith, Ph. D.
Imaging Specialist, Vision Science
University of California, Berkeley
195 Weill Hall
Berkeley, CA  94720-3200
Tel  (510) 642-9712
Fax (510) 643-6791
e-mail: [hidden email]