Re: Help with stage issues?

Posted by Stanislav Vitha-2 on

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If it was just the stage moving by itself, I would be suspecting the joystick. The springs holding the joystick may get tired and do not hold the stick in a neutral position (that is what we had happen on our old Olympus confocal system, which uses essentially the same joystick to drive a Prior stage).
But given the other symptoms, I would say it could be the controller.
If you swap the X and Y cables, is it still the same axis having problems?

Stan Vitha
Texas A&M University
Microscopy and Imaging Center

On Mon, 10 May 2021 17:37:43 -0500, Ben Abrams <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>I am having some strange problems with the stage on one of my widefield scopes and I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions?  Sometimes the stage seems to freeze and only wants to travel one direction in Y, but the opposite direction in Y is fine.    Driving all the way in the possible direction in Y sometimes fixes this.  Travel in the X direction is unaffected.
>Other times the stage moves by itself in Y.  Both problems are sporadic, but now seem to be happening more frequently.  I am not sure if the problem is most likely from the controller, joystick or stage.  I have also occasionally started to get time out warnings about the shutter when I try to snap an image, which makes me think it is the controller.
>I have a Ludl Mac5000 controller running a Ludl 99S106 stage with a MAC2 XY joystick and am running it with ZEN 2.3.
>Offline/online responses welcome.
>Benjamin Abrams,  Ph.D.
>Director, UCSC Life Sciences Microscopy Center
>RRID: SCR_021135