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Benjamin Smith on
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I was working on a high speed mux and came across this guy: would be perfect as it can convert 3V and 5V logic to up to 15V logic
and has a bandwidth of up to 40MHz with a 2A peak driving current.
On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 2:30 AM Jan-Peter Siebrasse <
[hidden email]>
> *****
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> Hi Pedro,
> I had a similar problem with an old AOTF which needed 10V but my homebrew
> controller based on an Arduino microcontroller would only deliver 5V max.
> As a workaround I used a simple circuit with the TL084CN op-amp from Texas
> instrument, combined with the d/a converter MCP4822. So the Arduino now
> deliver 0-5V via the MCP4822 which is translated to 0-10V by the op-amp.
> Time resolution should be around 10µs but I never tested it.
> Regards
> JP
Benjamin E. Smith, Ph. D.
Imaging Specialist, Vision Science
University of California, Berkeley
195 Weill Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-3200
Tel (510) 642-9712
Fax (510) 643-6791
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