third-party servicers for Olympus confocal

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Vernita Gordon Vernita Gordon
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third-party servicers for Olympus confocal

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Thanks to all who replied for your help.

This is a followup to my previous question:

Does anyone know of third parties who could service an Olympus confocal who
are located near Austin, TX?  $20k/yr is going to make an enormous dent in
my remaining startup, and I'm trying to find a thriftier option.



On 17 July 2011 11:38, Vernita Gordon <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a new assistant professor still settling into my lab (and still
> working entirely off startup funds).  A little less than a year ago, I
> bought an Olympus Fluoview laser-scanning confocal microscope.  This came
> with a one-year service contract.  Renewing that service contract for next
> year will cost $20k.
> We don't do very demanding things on this confocal and so far haven't had
> problems with it.  My question is, does anyone have perspective on whether
> paying for this service contract is worthwhile?
> I am leaning toward not doing so and hoping things continue to go well, but
> this is also my first time working with an Olympus confocal and I don't have
> a good sense for whether or not I should expect problems (and, if they
> arise, if they're likely to cost more than $20k to fix).
> Thanks,
> Vernita