two photon fluorophores and mounting media

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Ingaramo, Maria (NIH/NIBIB) [F] Ingaramo, Maria (NIH/NIBIB) [F]
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two photon fluorophores and mounting media

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Hello everyone!

I have two questions.

I am trying to image microtubules in fixed cells using tunable two photon excitation. I am interested in optimizing signal, and was wondering if anyone had suggestions regarding really good two photon excitable dyes for immuno-staining them. Alternatively, I could transfect with a fluorescent protein fusion.

Also, I have tried imaging Alexa-488 and EGFP labeled tubulin in fluoromount G, and I am not happy with the results obtained in this media. Does anyone have a favorite mounting media that yields good images upon two photon excitation?

Thank you!

Manja Schubert Manja Schubert
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Re: two photon fluorophores and mounting media

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Hi Maria,

For staining 200 um thick brain slices I use usually Alexa- 488 and/or
594 and mount them in PromoFluor Antifade Reagent from Promokine
On our Leica SP5/Coherent Chameleon Ultra II system (Ti:sapphire laser)
I use 770 nm for excitation and NDD1/2 for separation. So far I never
had problems with bleaching, weak signal or cross talk after 48h of

I always check these links to find the right "colour-combination" or
wavelength for MP imaging.

:) Manja

On 16/08/2012 00:01, Ingaramo, Maria (NIH/NIBIB) [F] wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> *****
> Hello everyone!
> I have two questions.
> I am trying to image microtubules in fixed cells using tunable two photon excitation. I am interested in optimizing signal, and was wondering if anyone had suggestions regarding really good two photon excitable dyes for immuno-staining them. Alternatively, I could transfect with a fluorescent protein fusion.
> Also, I have tried imaging Alexa-488 and EGFP labeled tubulin in fluoromount G, and I am not happy with the results obtained in this media. Does anyone have a favorite mounting media that yields good images upon two photon excitation?
> Thank you!
> -maria

Dr. Manja Schubert
University of Bergen
Department of Clinical Medicine
Haukeland University Hospital
Section Neurology - Paraneoplastic Syndrome group
5021 Bergen
Tel:+47-55 58 67 15
Fax: + 47-55 58 63 60