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update: European Light Microscopy Meeting meeting in Davos, Switzerland; deadline March 31st.

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Rietdorf, Jens Rietdorf, Jens
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update: European Light Microscopy Meeting meeting in Davos, Switzerland; deadline March 31st.

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
To whom it may concern,
March 31st is the deadline for registration and abstract submission for the 8th annual meeting of the European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) in Davos, Switzerland, (May 27 - 30)
these speakers have confirmed their participation:
Dan Axelrod (Univ. Michigan) James Swoger (Barcelona) Theo Lasser (EPFL) Uli Nienhaus (Univ. Ulm) Kai Johnsson (EPFL) Andreas Stemmer (ETHZ) Julien Colombelli (EMBL) Andreas Volkmer (Univ. Stuttgart) Christian Depeursinge (EPFL) Gabriel Popescu (Univ. Illinois) Michael Unser (EPFL) Ivo Sbalzarini (ETHZ).
these companies contribute to and present at ELMI:
AHF Analysentechnik, Andor Technology, Applied Precision, Bitplane, Carl Zeiss, Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Keyence, LaVision BioTec, Leica Microsystems, Life Imaging Services, Nikon, Olymus Life Science Europe, PerkinElmer, Roper Scientific, Scientific Volume Imaging,Visitech.

The number of participants is limited.
Please register now at http://www.elmi08.unibas.ch/index.html.

This years event is organized by a team of Swiss facility managers, ELMI http://cci.sahlgrenska.gu.se/ELMI/ and the Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM http://www.ssom.ch/index.html

regards, jens



Dr. Jens Rietdorf[hidden email]
Head Microscopy
Novartis Research Foundation
Friedrich-Miescher-Institute, wro1066.2.16 Maulbeerstr.66, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland
phone +41(61)69-75172 mobil +41 798284737

Klughammer Bio GmbH Klughammer Bio GmbH
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Re: update: European Light Microscopy Meeting meeting in Davos, Switzerland; deadline March 31st.

Search the CONFOCAL archive at

Sehr geehrter Herr Rietdorf,

wieviel würde eine kleiner Tisch kosten, um während dem Kongress ELMI
ein Mikroskop und Prospekte zu präsentieren?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anneliese Schmaus LLB (hons)
Product Manager
Klughammer Bio GmbH
Strassbach 9
85229 Markt Indersdorf

Tel. +49 (0)8136 6011
Fax +49 (0)8136 7098
[hidden email]

Amtsgericht München HRB 89767
Geschäftsführer Anna E. Schmaus-Klughammer

2008/3/13, Rietdorf, Jens <[hidden email]>:

> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
> To whom it may concern,
> March 31st is the deadline for registration and abstract submission for the
> 8th annual meeting of the European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) in
> Davos, Switzerland, (May 27 - 30)
> these speakers have confirmed their participation:
> Dan Axelrod (Univ. Michigan) James Swoger (Barcelona) Theo Lasser (EPFL) Uli
> Nienhaus (Univ. Ulm) Kai Johnsson (EPFL) Andreas Stemmer (ETHZ) Julien
> Colombelli (EMBL) Andreas Volkmer (Univ. Stuttgart) Christian Depeursinge
> (EPFL) Gabriel Popescu (Univ. Illinois) Michael Unser (EPFL) Ivo Sbalzarini
> (ETHZ).
> these companies contribute to and present at ELMI:
> AHF Analysentechnik, Andor Technology, Applied Precision, Bitplane, Carl
> Zeiss, Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Keyence, LaVision BioTec, Leica
> Microsystems, Life Imaging Services, Nikon, Olymus Life Science Europe,
> PerkinElmer, Roper Scientific, Scientific Volume Imaging,Visitech.
> The number of participants is limited.
> Please register now at http://www.elmi08.unibas.ch/index.html.
> This years event is organized by a team of Swiss facility managers, ELMI
> http://cci.sahlgrenska.gu.se/ELMI/ and the Swiss Society for Optics and
> Microscopy (SSOM http://www.ssom.ch/index.html).
> regards, jens
> ---
> Dr. Jens Rietdorf
> Head Microscopy
> Novartis Research Foundation
> Friedrich-Miescher-Institute, wro1066.2.16 Maulbeerstr.66, CH-4058 Basel,
> Switzerland
> phone +41(61)69-75172 mobil +41 798284737
> Email:rietdorf(at)fmi.ch
Aryeh Weiss Aryeh Weiss
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live cell imaging on upright scopes

In reply to this post by Rietdorf, Jens
Search the CONFOCAL archive at

I am interested in hearing from researchers who do live cell imaging on upright
scopes. Is it being done with dipping objectives in regular medium, or with
special chambers and flow cells? If dipping objectives are used, does this work
for long experiments (days), or does the culture get contaminated right away?

You experiences and collective wisdom will be greatly appreciated.
Aryeh Weiss
School of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384050