using microscope eyepieces with eyeglasses - question

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Cromey, Douglas W - (dcromey)-2 Cromey, Douglas W - (dcromey)-2
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using microscope eyepieces with eyeglasses - question

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It’s my understanding that some core facility labs are considering (when things reopen) requiring the use of safety and/or prescription glasses for all users of microscopes to prevent the possibility of the oculars being a possible transmission point for COVID-19. Also reduces the need to clean these as frequently and possibly damaging the optical coatings.

Even with my aging eyes, I started out using microscopes before my vision needed correction and so I prefer to take my glasses off to use the microscope. As a trifocal wearer, this begs the question of which distance are microscope oculars corrected for?

Don’t even get me started about the tangle that occurs with glasses, mask loops, and hearing aids.  ☹


Douglas W. Cromey, M.S. - Associate Scientific Investigator
Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Medicine, University of Arizona
Life Sciences North, Room 463
1333 N. Martin Ave, Tucson, AZ  85721 USA

office:  LSN 463        email: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
voice:  520-626-2824       fax:  520-626-2097

UA Microscopy Alliance -
A collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy
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