vacancy announcement: logistic scientist/facility manager at LiMiF, the light microscopy facility of the Faculté de Médecine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

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jmvdwin jmvdwin
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vacancy announcement: logistic scientist/facility manager at LiMiF, the light microscopy facility of the Faculté de Médecine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

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Dear colleagues,

LiMiF, the light microscopy facility of the Faculté de Médecine, Université
Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium is looking for a skilled and highly
motivated logistic scientist/facility manager (M/F).

Job description on Euraxess:

Please forward this announcement to any prospect around you.

With thanks.



Jean-Marie Vanderwinden, M.D., Ph.D.
Directeur de Recherche F.N.R.S. / Research Director, National Fund for
Scientific Research (Belgium)

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

ULB Neuroscience Institute - Neurophysiology lab

Light Microscopy Facility

Postal address:
Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie (Prof. S.N. Schiffmann),
Faculté de Médecine, Campus Erasme, CP 601,
Université Libre de Bruxelles,
808 route de Lennik, B-1070 Brussels, Belgium.

(: Secretary: +(32).2.555.42.30, Direct: +(32).2.555.69.88
7: +(32).2.555.41.21,
. [hidden email]