value of slightly used lasers from a Zeiss 5 Live confocal system?

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Phillips, Thomas E. Phillips, Thomas E.
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value of slightly used lasers from a Zeiss 5 Live confocal system?

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We recently added a Leica SP8 system to our core facility and have a Zeiss 510 system as a "backup". We have "mothballed" our Zeiss 5 Live system and currently trying to decide what to do with it. I am not sure I could get a decent price for the intact system (but if anyone wants to tempt me, drop me a private email). I am currently thinking about reconfiguring the system as a nice widefield scope for routine brightfield work (the motorized xy stage would allow tiling).  I am trying to figure out what to do with the lasers and if they have re-sale value.  It is equipped with a Toptica iBeam 405 (50 mW) diode laser, Coherent Sapphire 488 (100 mW), Coherent Compass 561 (40 mW) and Toptica iBeam 635 (30 mW). I am 99% these are the correct models and specs for the lasers we have based on the Zeiss product description but I would have to open up the laser/power cabinet to confirm this.

I don't have a good idea of the value of these lasers or the potential demand for them. I can't sell them directly but it there was interest and the value was worth it, I could arrange for the school to list them on their auction website with a minimum bid price. I would be willing to sell them individually or as a group. They would have to be sold "as is" but they have relatively low hours on them and were all in great shape when we stopped using the system. I would be grateful if anyone can give me a fair market price. If you might have interest in them, that would also be useful to know. The scan head would also be available for any wanting spare parts.

Thanks for any insight you can give me.

Thomas E. Phillips, Ph.D
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Molecular Cytology Core
2 Tucker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-7400
573-882-4712 (office)
573-882-0123 (fax)
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