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AOTF and TCSPC info

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js1719 js1719
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AOTF and TCSPC info

We are looking to build a STED system here and are trying to price out parts for the system. The parts below are the things that Stefan Hell's group uses in Germany. We were wondering if there are comparable items from US/other companies.  If you have any suggestions they are greatly appreciated. 

Here are the AOTF and TCSPC we are looking for:
Time correlated single photon counting board (TCSPC)
SPC-830, Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin, Germany (list price is 25,000 Euros)


Julia E. Sable
Lab Manager
Sheetz Lab
Columbia University
Dept. of Biological Sciences
(646) 283 4421
Beat Ludin Beat Ludin
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Re: AOTF and TCSPC info

Julia -

Are you looking for an AOTF only or a white laser with an AOTF?
Because the latter is what Fianium offers. If you look for an AOTF
only, I would recommend those from A-A Opto (www.a-a.fr, no
commercial interest, just a satisfied customer), I'm sure they are
represented in the US also. If it is really the white laser you want,
I'd be curious to know why you want that for a STED system. The same
question goes for the TCSPC board. IMHO, both the laser and the
photon counting seem to be more useful for FLIM than STED (but OTOH,
my knowledge of STED is quite rudimentary).

Best regards,


At 20:24 19-11-2008, you wrote:

>We are looking to build a STED system here and are trying to price
>out parts for the system. The parts below are the things that Stefan
>Hell's group uses in Germany. We were wondering if there are
>comparable items from US/other companies.  If you have any
>suggestions they are greatly appreciated.
>>Here are the AOTF and TCSPC we are looking for:
>>Time correlated single photon counting board (TCSPC)
>>SPC-830, Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin, Germany (list price is 25,000 Euros)
>Julia E. Sable
>Lab Manager
>Sheetz Lab
>Columbia University
>Dept. of Biological Sciences
>(646) 283 4421
><mailto:[hidden email]>[hidden email]
Armstrong, Brian Armstrong, Brian
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Re: AOTF and TCSPC info

In reply to this post by js1719

Hi Julia, not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but this company may be worth talking to.




Cheers and Good Luck,


Brian D Armstrong PhD

Light Microscopy Core Manager

Beckman Research Institute

City of Hope

Dept of Neuroscience

1450 E Duarte Rd

Duarte, CA 91010

626-256-4673 x62872


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of js1719
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 11:24 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: AOTF and TCSPC info


We are looking to build a STED system here and are trying to price out parts for the system. The parts below are the things that Stefan Hell's group uses in Germany. We were wondering if there are comparable items from US/other companies.  If you have any suggestions they are greatly appreciated. 








Here are the AOTF and TCSPC we are looking for:




Time correlated single photon counting board (TCSPC)

SPC-830, Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin, Germany (list price is 25,000 Euros)






Julia E. Sable

Lab Manager

Sheetz Lab

Columbia University

Dept. of Biological Sciences

(646) 283 4421

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