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Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

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Roland Hilgarth Roland Hilgarth
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Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

Hi all,


I’m new to this program and was wondering if there is any book on MetaMorph that I can look at as a reference.  Thanks.




Roland Hilgarth

Emory University


Cameron Nowell Cameron Nowell
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Re: Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

Hi Roland,
I do not know of any books, but there are regular training courses ran my Molecular Devices. See http://www.moleculardevices.com/pages/MM-new/meta_training.html for dates etc. I have been told these are very good courses, i have not been to one myself as I am in Australia and they don't run them here (yet?).
Also the MetaMorph website has a good collection of support articles in their knoledge base (see http://support.meta.moleculardevices.com/search.php)
There is also a big user base. If you get stuck just as a question here (or you can contact me directly) and you will get the help you need.
I will make the obligatory statement: I ahave no comericial interest in Molecular Device, i am just a very satisified customer.

Cameron J. Nowell
Microscopy Manager
Central Resource for Advanced Microscopy
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
PO Box 2008
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Victoria, 3050

Office: +61 3 9341 3155
Mobile: +61422882700
Fax: +61 3 9341 3104

Facility Website

From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Roland Hilgarth
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 6:44 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

Hi all,


I’m new to this program and was wondering if there is any book on MetaMorph that I can look at as a reference.  Thanks.




Roland Hilgarth

Emory University


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The views expressed in this communication are those of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd.

Keith Morris Keith Morris
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Re: Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

Hi Roland,


There aren’t any books on MetaMorph that I am aware of. Plus the training courses are all in the US, in Downtown Burbank or somewhere equally as dreary [Downingtown, PA]. Not much practical use for anyone living on another continent. Our local Molecular Devices rep did offer to give some training in our building here for new users, but at around £600 for the morning.


I haven’t used MetaMorph email support recently [probably not since Molecular devices acquired them], but the staff used to be very helpful if you are stuck on any particular point. Plus as Cameron points out there is a large MetaMorph user base that can be reached via the microscopy.com and confocal listservers, and there’s MetaMorph’s on-line support, the in-program help and the pdf manuals that come on the install CD. I can’t find a new version of the useful interactive MetaMorph tutorial training CD that used to be supplied with the MetaMorph v4.5 CD though [my v7.5 just came with the pdf manuals and program on one CD] – sadly it’s about 400Mb so I can’t email a copy, so check if there’s an old one lying about in the lab [or ask Molecular devices if they can supply a copy]. Once you get going with MetaMorph it does become a lot easier, although you will need a copy of Photoshop CS4 as well, as MetaMorph’s Binary [threshold] editor is very basic if not non-existent.


MetaMorph support:



MetaMorph is my preferred program for most 2D image analysis [probably as I know it so well and am lucky enough to have a licence], although we also have Volocity [for 3D], IPlabs, & Nikon NISElements.


Also check out: Image Analysis: principles & practice. Joyce Loebl (1985) - a classic, easy to read, general guide, but probably only available via an interlibrary loan now, as it’s long out of print



Dr Keith J. Morris,
Molecular Cytogenetics and Microscopy Core,
Laboratory 00/069 and 00/070,
The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics,
Roosevelt Drive,
Oxford  OX3 7BN,
United Kingdom.

Telephone:  +44 (0)1865 287568
Email:  [hidden email]

From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Cameron Nowell
Sent: 12 May 2009 23:22
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software


Hi Roland,


I do not know of any books, but there are regular training courses ran my Molecular Devices. See http://www.moleculardevices.com/pages/MM-new/meta_training.html for dates etc. I have been told these are very good courses, i have not been to one myself as I am in Australia and they don't run them here (yet?).


Also the MetaMorph website has a good collection of support articles in their knoledge base (see http://support.meta.moleculardevices.com/search.php)


There is also a big user base. If you get stuck just as a question here (or you can contact me directly) and you will get the help you need.


I will make the obligatory statement: I ahave no comericial interest in Molecular Device, i am just a very satisified customer.









Cameron J. Nowell
Microscopy Manager
Central Resource for Advanced Microscopy
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
PO Box 2008
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Victoria, 3050
Office: +61 3 9341 3155
Mobile: +61422882700
Fax: +61 3 9341 3104
Facility Website


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Roland Hilgarth
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 6:44 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

Hi all,


I’m new to this program and was wondering if there is any book on MetaMorph that I can look at as a reference.  Thanks.




Roland Hilgarth

Emory University


This communication is intended only for the named recipient and may contain information that is confidential, legally privileged or subject to copyright; the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd does not waiver any rights if you have received this communication in error.
The views expressed in this communication are those of the sender and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd.

George McNamara George McNamara
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Re: Anybody know of any book on MetaMorph imaging software

In reply to this post by Roland Hilgarth
Hi Roland,

The online appnotes cover a lot of stuff, see http://support.meta.moleculardevices.com/docs/ (probably best place for info for any Premier features). The older CD's (and maybe even the current CD) have a zip file with older versions of the appnotes. The web site no longer has the shading correction appnote (T10009) - so it may be missing many others. I wrote 100+ of the appnotes from 1992-1997. If your CD does not have the appnotes, email me at work ([hidden email]) and I can send it to you.

If you have a travel budget, you might consider visiting me in Miami for a day or two, especially if your budget lets you stay at a nice hotel in Miami Beach or Coconut Grove. I currently have MM5.07, one of which is on a Leica manual fluorescence microscope with ORCA-ER camera.

p.s. speaking of shading correction - I concur with a recent post that the Fluor-Ref / Chroma plastic fluorescent slides are not optimal fluorescent shading correction standards for real specimens. For one possible alternative, see:

Concentrated dyes as a source of two-dimensional fluorescent field for characterization of a confocal microscope.
Model MA, Blank JL.
J Microsc. 2008 Jan;229(Pt 1):12-6.
PMID: 18173639

standard for calibration and shading correction of a fluorescence microscope.
Model MA, Burkhardt JK.
Cytometry. 2001 Aug 1;44(4):309-16.
PMID: 11500847

At 04:43 PM 5/12/2009, you wrote:
Hi all,
I’m new to this program and was wondering if there is any book on MetaMorph that I can look at as a reference.  Thanks.
Roland Hilgarth
Emory University

George McNamara, Ph.D.
Image Core Manager
Analytical Imaging Core Facility
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Miami, FL 33010
[hidden email]
[hidden email]
305-243-8436 office
http://www.sylvester.org/AICF (Analytical Imaging Core Facility)