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Fluorophores for wood?

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Stuehrk, Chris Stuehrk, Chris
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Fluorophores for wood?

Dear Confocal community,

I have a special question regarding labeling of wood cells (spruce).
For tomography reasons I like to label wood cells to improve the autofluorescence, because not all
cell structures might give a constant signal.
So far we have managed to visualize a wood decaying fungus that grows through
the pits and erodes the cellwalls.
Which dyes and fluorophores might bind to all elements of wood (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose)
to produce a constant fluorescence?
Thanks for any helpful comments!!

best wishes

Chris Stührk

Laboratory Wood
Woodprotection and Biotechnology
Empa - Material Science & Technology
Room D 1.17
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
CH-9014 St. Gallen
Pho: +41 (0) 71 2747622
Fax: +41 (0) 71 2747694
[hidden email]
Tobias Baskin Tobias Baskin
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Re: Fluorophores for wood?

        Constancy is a bit of a trick. I don't
know that anything would be perfectly constant. A
popular stain is calcofluor white. This stains
cellulose and other polysaccharides. It is uv
excited, blue emission. All cell walls will be
stained although there will be some variation in

        Hope this helps,

>Dear Confocal community,
>I have a special question regarding labeling of wood cells (spruce).
>For tomography reasons I like to label wood
>cells to improve the autofluorescence, because
>not all
>cell structures might give a constant signal.
>So far we have managed to visualize a wood decaying fungus that grows through
>the pits and erodes the cellwalls.
>Which dyes and fluorophores might bind to all
>elements of wood (lignin, cellulose,
>to produce a constant fluorescence?
>Thanks for any helpful comments!!
>best wishes
>Chris Stührk
>Laboratory Wood
>Woodprotection and Biotechnology
>Empa - Material Science & Technology
>Room D 1.17
>Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
>CH-9014 St. Gallen
>Pho: +41 (0) 71 2747622
>Fax: +41 (0) 71 2747694
>[hidden email]

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      /  \   /          / \    /   \ \        Tobias I. Baskin
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    /_ /   __      /__ \   \       \__    611 N. Pleasant St.
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  /      /          /         \   \       \    Amherst, MA, 01003
/      / ___   /           \   \__/  \ ____
Voice: 413 - 545 - 1533 Fax: 413 - 545 - 3243
Stuehrk, Chris Stuehrk, Chris
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Re: Fluorophores for wood?

In reply to this post by Stuehrk, Chris
Hi Tobias,

thanks for your hint!

best wishes

Lloyd Donaldson Lloyd Donaldson
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Re: Fluorophores for wood?

In reply to this post by Stuehrk, Chris

There are a range of things you could try. Acriflavin, acridine orange, safranine, berberine sulphate, toluidine blue, basic fuchsin and any schiff reagent. These will all tend to stain lignified walls much more than unlignified walls although with limited specificity. We have used most of these for 3D reconstructions. We have a CD available detailing techniques and examples of reconstructions. Contact me off list if you are interested.


Dr Lloyd Donaldson
Senior Scientist
Scion - Next Generation Biomaterials
49 Sala St. Rotorua
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046
Ph: 64 7 343 5581
Fx: 64 7 343 5507

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Stuehrk, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, 27 January 2010 5:07 a.m.
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Fluorophores for wood?

Dear Confocal community,

I have a special question regarding labeling of wood cells (spruce).
For tomography reasons I like to label wood cells to improve the autofluorescence, because not all
cell structures might give a constant signal.
So far we have managed to visualize a wood decaying fungus that grows through
the pits and erodes the cellwalls.
Which dyes and fluorophores might bind to all elements of wood (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose)
to produce a constant fluorescence?
Thanks for any helpful comments!!

best wishes

Chris Stührk

Laboratory Wood
Woodprotection and Biotechnology
Empa - Material Science & Technology
Room D 1.17
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
CH-9014 St. Gallen

Pho: +41 (0) 71 2747622
Fax: +41 (0) 71 2747694
[hidden email]

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Stuehrk, Chris Stuehrk, Chris
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AW: Fluorophores for wood?

Dear Prof Donaldson,

naturally, Im interested in your CD!!

with the best wishes

Chris Stührk
Von: Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] im Auftrag von Lloyd Donaldson [[hidden email]]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010 20:02
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: Re: Fluorophores for wood?


There are a range of things you could try. Acriflavin, acridine orange, safranine, berberine sulphate, toluidine blue, basic fuchsin and any schiff reagent. These will all tend to stain lignified walls much more than unlignified walls although with limited specificity. We have used most of these for 3D reconstructions. We have a CD available detailing techniques and examples of reconstructions. Contact me off list if you are interested.


Dr Lloyd Donaldson
Senior Scientist
Scion - Next Generation Biomaterials
49 Sala St. Rotorua
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046
Ph: 64 7 343 5581
Fx: 64 7 343 5507

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Stuehrk, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, 27 January 2010 5:07 a.m.
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Fluorophores for wood?

Dear Confocal community,

I have a special question regarding labeling of wood cells (spruce).
For tomography reasons I like to label wood cells to improve the autofluorescence, because not all
cell structures might give a constant signal.
So far we have managed to visualize a wood decaying fungus that grows through
the pits and erodes the cellwalls.
Which dyes and fluorophores might bind to all elements of wood (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose)
to produce a constant fluorescence?
Thanks for any helpful comments!!

best wishes

Chris Stührk

Laboratory Wood
Woodprotection and Biotechnology
Empa - Material Science & Technology
Room D 1.17
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
CH-9014 St. Gallen

Pho: +41 (0) 71 2747622
Fax: +41 (0) 71 2747694
[hidden email]

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