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Image acquisition software query

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Graham Wright Graham Wright
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Re: Image acquisition software query


In addition to some already mentioned we also have some scopes working on:

Nikon ACT-1 software (comes with the DMX1200)
Spot camera software


2009/6/29 Gareth Howell <[hidden email]>
Just a quick question: What software packages do people use to acquire
images on your CCD cameras? I'm aware of Pro Plus but can't bring any others
to mind.
Thanks again in advance.

Engstrom, Lars Engstrom, Lars
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Re: Image acquisition software query

In reply to this post by crieken
QImaging Exi Blue controlled by QCapture.

Roper HQ2 and AxioCam HRc controlled by Axiovision.

QImaging Exi Retiga, Intensified Retiga, MicroPublisher and Andor iXon
controlled by MediaCybernetics QED

-Lars Engstrom
Jingsong Wang Jingsong Wang
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Re: Image acquisition software query

In reply to this post by Graham Wright

InVivo for Olympus BX61

Image Pro Plus MDA for Olympus BX51

Q Capture Pro for Zeiss Axioplan 2

All are from Mediacy.


2009/6/29 Gareth Howell <[hidden email]>

Just a quick question: What software packages do people use to acquire
images on your CCD cameras? I'm aware of Pro Plus but can't bring any others
to mind.
Thanks again in advance.


Ian Dobbie Ian Dobbie
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Re: Image acquisition software query

In reply to this post by Keith Morris
Keith Morris <[hidden email]> writes:

> Kinetic Imaging [AQM/Cell Tracker - forgotten who owns them now]

They are now owned by Andor and I'm not sure if they drive anything
other than Andor cameras any more.

Keith Morris Keith Morris
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Re: Image acquisition software query

Hi Ian,

Thanks for the reply, I had had the name 'Andor Technology' flash into my
mind after well I posted the email. As you say Kinetic Imaging pretty much
self-imploded over the last few years, much to MetaMorph's gain - I used
some Kinetic Imaging software back at UCL [c2005] for the TIRF system we
were developing, but we dom't have KI's AQM/Cell tracker here at Oxford.

Thanks again,




Dr Keith J Morris
Molecular Cytogenetics and Microscopy Core
The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Roosevelt Drive
United Kingdom

Tel:  +44   ( 0 ) 1865  287568
Email:   [hidden email]
HomePage:  http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/cytogenetics

> Keith Morris <[hidden email]> writes:
>> Kinetic Imaging [AQM/Cell Tracker - forgotten who owns them now]
> They are now owned by Andor and I'm not sure if they drive anything
> other than Andor cameras any more.
> Ian