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Tino Jäger Tino Jäger
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Search the CONFOCAL archive at

I want to ask, if anyone is experienced in triggering the Leica Confocal
Software (LCS).

We want to trigger a Leica SP2 with the heartbeat of a rat during image

Every single frame during a scan should be triggered. We image for ~ 2
min, one frame every 400 ms (~ 2 Hz). During the 2 min data acquisition
the heartbeat rate changes and therefore every single frame needs to be
triggered (not only the beginning of data acquisition).

Does anyone know answers to the following questions?

How long is the delay between the trigger input and scan start (start of
data acquisition)?
More important, is this delay constant or variable during the
acquisition period?
We tried to trigger the laser with 1 Hz, defining one job in the life
data mode (time interval 0, frames 1, next job: job 1 – rerun) but the
software crashes.
(life data mode; input: TTL-pulses (5 V, 20 ms); acquisition: frame size
512 x 128; 400 Hz; bidirectional scan; xyt – recordings)
Moreover, every job creates one image. Is there a possibility to combine
them after every acquisition?

Thanks for your help!

Dr. Tino Jäger
Department of Neurophysiology
Center for Brain Research
Medical University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 4, A-1090 Vienna

Tel:  +43-1-4277-62847
Secr: +43-1-4277-62835
FAX:  +43-1-4277-62865

Heimo Wolinski Heimo Wolinski
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Search the CONFOCAL archive at

Tino Jäger schrieb:

> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
> I want to ask, if anyone is experienced in triggering the Leica
> Confocal Software (LCS).
> We want to trigger a Leica SP2 with the heartbeat of a rat during
> image acquisition.
> Every single frame during a scan should be triggered. We image for ~ 2
> min, one frame every 400 ms (~ 2 Hz). During the 2 min data
> acquisition the heartbeat rate changes and therefore every single
> frame needs to be triggered (not only the beginning of data acquisition).
> Does anyone know answers to the following questions?
> How long is the delay between the trigger input and scan start (start
> of data acquisition)?
> More important, is this delay constant or variable during the
> acquisition period?
> We tried to trigger the laser with 1 Hz, defining one job in the life
> data mode (time interval 0, frames 1, next job: job 1 – rerun) but the
> software crashes.
> (life data mode; input: TTL-pulses (5 V, 20 ms); acquisition: frame
> size 512 x 128; 400 Hz; bidirectional scan; xyt – recordings)
> Moreover, every job creates one image. Is there a possibility to
> combine them after every acquisition?
> Thanks for your help!
> Tino


Institute of Molecular Biosciences (ZMB-Graz),
Department of Biochemistry,
Yeast Genetics Group,
Humboldtstrasse 50/II,
8010 Graz – Austria.

Email: [hidden email]
Phone: ++43 316 380 5489
Fax: ++43 316 380 9857

Christian Götze Christian Götze
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In reply to this post by Tino Jäger
Search the CONFOCAL archive at

I think it depends how you want to trigger the software. Do you want to
do it by the COM interface? We control the LCS this way for acquiring
mosaic image data. The response time seems to be quite constant but I
don't know exact timings. If you are interested, we could do some timing

I'm afraid, the LCS is not stable in any case if triggered by COM. It
depends highly on the version and the exact use case if an experiment
runs reliable...

Best regards,

Tino Jäger schrieb:

> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
> I want to ask, if anyone is experienced in triggering the Leica Confocal
> Software (LCS).
> We want to trigger a Leica SP2 with the heartbeat of a rat during image
> acquisition.
> Every single frame during a scan should be triggered. We image for ~ 2
> min, one frame every 400 ms (~ 2 Hz). During the 2 min data acquisition
> the heartbeat rate changes and therefore every single frame needs to be
> triggered (not only the beginning of data acquisition).
> Does anyone know answers to the following questions?
> How long is the delay between the trigger input and scan start (start of
> data acquisition)?
> More important, is this delay constant or variable during the
> acquisition period?
> We tried to trigger the laser with 1 Hz, defining one job in the life
> data mode (time interval 0, frames 1, next job: job 1 – rerun) but the
> software crashes.
> (life data mode; input: TTL-pulses (5 V, 20 ms); acquisition: frame size
> 512 x 128; 400 Hz; bidirectional scan; xyt – recordings)
> Moreover, every job creates one image. Is there a possibility to combine
> them after every acquisition?
> Thanks for your help!
> Tino

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