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Leica SP5 Computer setup

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Pascal Lorentz-2 Pascal Lorentz-2
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Leica SP5 Computer setup

Dear List,

a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror
the existing system setup.
Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored
hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are
additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF
software from Leica.
The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I
heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in
Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not
willing to share this information.
It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a
price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in
Windows if a system is installed from scratch.

Any comments are highly welcome.


Guy Cox Guy Cox
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup


          Your message just came from a gmail address.  If you
want to spur Leica into doing something (and it is not usual for
them to be unhelpful) you'd better let us all know where you are!
I'm sure once Leica management know where you are they will
deliver the necessary kick up the backside.


Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
Mobile 0413 281 861
-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Pascal Lorentz
Sent: Friday, 5 December 2008 9:33 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Leica SP5 Computer setup

Dear List,

a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror the existing system setup.
Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF software from Leica.
The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not willing to share this information.
It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in Windows if a system is installed from scratch.

Any comments are highly welcome.



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Zoltan Zoltan
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup

In reply to this post by Pascal Lorentz-2
Dear Pascal,
Which version of LAS AF are you running?  Depending on that, you'll need certain patches installed by Leica.  E.g., we needed one to handle mulit-core processors, and then several other ones when we upgraded to v. 2.0 recently.  Every time, however, we were satisfied with Leica's level of service at the end; bear in mind though that the installation of the patches had to be done by a Leica engineer, but it shouldn't take very long. 
  Hope this helps,

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Pascal Lorentz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear List,

a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror the existing system setup.
Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF software from Leica.
The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not willing to share this information.
It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in Windows if a system is installed from scratch.

Any comments are highly welcome.




Zoltan Cseresnyes
Facility manager, Imaging Suite
University of Cambridge, UK
Pascal Lorentz-2 Pascal Lorentz-2
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup

In reply to this post by Guy Cox
Ah sorry, this was not my plan.
We are located in Basel, Switzerland, University.
Our local engineer does it's best I guess but when he called the head
office in Mannheim they told him that there are additional calibrations
needed but they don't give them out.
We are still trying to get this information and I am still waiting the
answer from our engineer but it always takes days.
We just think that such a system should not be delivered without a
preset Raid. Other vendors do this since quite a while. Compared to the
price of the system these are peanuts.
And if we try to do their job they don't give us the necessary information.
So that's why I was just wondering if somebody of you already had the
same problem and if there is a solution for this.
Usually I am quite happy with the Leica Service, so please don't
misunderstand me.



Guy Cox schrieb:

> Pascal,
>           Your message just came from a gmail address.  If you
> want to spur Leica into doing something (and it is not usual for
> them to be unhelpful) you'd better let us all know where you are!
> I'm sure once Leica management know where you are they will
> deliver the necessary kick up the backside.
>                                                      Guy
> Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
> by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
>     http://www.guycox.com/optical.htm
> ______________________________________________
> Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
> Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
> University of Sydney, NSW 2006
> ______________________________________________
> Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
> Mobile 0413 281 861
> ______________________________________________
>      http://www.guycox.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Pascal Lorentz
> Sent: Friday, 5 December 2008 9:33 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Leica SP5 Computer setup
> Dear List,
> a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
> For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
> Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror the existing system setup.
> Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF software from Leica.
> The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not willing to share this information.
> It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
> Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in Windows if a system is installed from scratch.
> Any comments are highly welcome.
> Cheers
> Pascal
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.9.14/1829 - Release Date: 4/12/2008 2:59 PM
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.9.14/1829 - Release Date: 4/12/2008 2:59 PM
Michael Weber-4 Michael Weber-4
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup

Hey Pascal,

can't you take a backup of the original installation and put this on your
RAID system?

I see Leica's point that they cannot support every individual
configuration, but it should be possible to negotiate a solution for your

All I know about the computer configuration is that you need to fix the
Windows page-file size, if I remember correctly.

Beside that, I don't really see the advantages of a RAID for data safety.
It could only help if your drive crashes in the middle of the experiment,
and even then one cannot be sure that the remaining drive is not
corrupted. So I would rather go for a separate data drive (which is
unfortunately not present in the Leica computers...) plus constant backups
of data and system drive.


> Ah sorry, this was not my plan.
> We are located in Basel, Switzerland, University.
> Our local engineer does it's best I guess but when he called the head
> office in Mannheim they told him that there are additional calibrations
> needed but they don't give them out.
> We are still trying to get this information and I am still waiting the
> answer from our engineer but it always takes days.
> We just think that such a system should not be delivered without a
> preset Raid. Other vendors do this since quite a while. Compared to the
> price of the system these are peanuts.
> And if we try to do their job they don't give us the necessary
> information.
> So that's why I was just wondering if somebody of you already had the
> same problem and if there is a solution for this.
> Usually I am quite happy with the Leica Service, so please don't
> misunderstand me.
> Thanks
> Pascal
> Guy Cox schrieb:
>> Pascal,
>>           Your message just came from a gmail address.  If you
>> want to spur Leica into doing something (and it is not usual for
>> them to be unhelpful) you'd better let us all know where you are!
>> I'm sure once Leica management know where you are they will
>> deliver the necessary kick up the backside.
>>                                                      Guy
>> Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
>> by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
>>     http://www.guycox.com/optical.htm
>> ______________________________________________
>> Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
>> Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
>> University of Sydney, NSW 2006
>> ______________________________________________
>> Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
>> Mobile 0413 281 861
>> ______________________________________________
>>      http://www.guycox.net
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]]
>> On Behalf Of Pascal Lorentz
>> Sent: Friday, 5 December 2008 9:33 PM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: Leica SP5 Computer setup
>> Dear List,
>> a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
>> For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
>> Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror
>> the existing system setup.
>> Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored
>> hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are
>> additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF
>> software from Leica.
>> The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I
>> heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in
>> Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not
>> willing to share this information.
>> It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a
>> price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
>> Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in
>> Windows if a system is installed from scratch.
>> Any comments are highly welcome.
>> Cheers
>> Pascal
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG.
>> Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.9.14/1829 - Release Date:
>> 4/12/2008 2:59 PM
>> No virus found in this outgoing message.
>> Checked by AVG.
>> Version: 7.5.552 / Virus Database: 270.9.14/1829 - Release Date:
>> 4/12/2008 2:59 PM
Jon Ekman-2 Jon Ekman-2
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup

In reply to this post by Pascal Lorentz-2
I was wondering did you try to do software raid within Windows instead of
hardware raid? It is possible to just add drives and select RAID options
from Disk Management in Windows. Also, though no one in our area will by an
SP5 anytime soon, and I don't have access to one to test, but I have heard
that if you have internet access, the SP5 can be managed remotely to make
adjustments to the software. I am not sure if Lieca has fully realized that
service option.


-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Pascal Lorentz
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:33 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Leica SP5 Computer setup

Dear List,

a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror
the existing system setup.
Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored
hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are
additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF
software from Leica.
The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I
heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in
Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not
willing to share this information.
It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a
price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in
Windows if a system is installed from scratch.

Any comments are highly welcome.


mahogny mahogny
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup

Jon Ekman wrote:
> I was wondering did you try to do software raid within Windows instead of
> hardware raid? It is possible to just add drives and select RAID options
> from Disk Management in Windows. Also, though no one in our area will by an
> SP5 anytime soon, and I don't have access to one to test, but I have heard
> that if you have internet access, the SP5 can be managed remotely to make
> adjustments to the software. I am not sure if Lieca has fully realized that
> service option.
software raid is begging for trouble. at the very least, don't use it
for data you want to keep safe.

mirroring is rather wasteful, and it does not correct against bitflips.
I think raid-5
(or higher, raid-z) is the way to go if you want to safeguard your data.

as for the LAS AF trouble (second time in a short time, how useless is
this software anyway?) I wouldn't
store data on the microscope computer anyway. given the state of current
microscopy software you don't
even want to breath on it; equip it with gigabit ethernet and store it
on a proper server. this way you will
not disturb recordings when you access the data either.


> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Pascal Lorentz
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:33 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Leica SP5 Computer setup
> Dear List,
> a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
> For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
> Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror
> the existing system setup.
> Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored
> hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are
> additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF
> software from Leica.
> The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I
> heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in
> Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not
> willing to share this information.
> It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a
> price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
> Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in
> Windows if a system is installed from scratch.
> Any comments are highly welcome.
> Cheers
> Pascal

Johan Henriksson
MSc Engineering
PhD student, Karolinska Institutet
http://mahogny.areta.org http://www.endrov.net
Rosemary.White Rosemary.White
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Re: Leica SP5 Computer setup

I'm with Johan on this, we back up all of our image data on an independent
server, which is itself backed up by the IT folk.  Voltage spikes killed a
few hard drives here, so we now have all instruments on UPS's.  Fortunately,
little data lost - most people now upload all data immediately after their

On 6/12/08 6:02 AM, "Johan Henriksson" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Jon Ekman wrote:
>> I was wondering did you try to do software raid within Windows instead of
>> hardware raid? It is possible to just add drives and select RAID options
>> from Disk Management in Windows. Also, though no one in our area will by an
>> SP5 anytime soon, and I don't have access to one to test, but I have heard
>> that if you have internet access, the SP5 can be managed remotely to make
>> adjustments to the software. I am not sure if Lieca has fully realized that
>> service option.
> software raid is begging for trouble. at the very least, don't use it
> for data you want to keep safe.
> mirroring is rather wasteful, and it does not correct against bitflips.
> I think raid-5
> (or higher, raid-z) is the way to go if you want to safeguard your data.
> as for the LAS AF trouble (second time in a short time, how useless is
> this software anyway?) I wouldn't
> store data on the microscope computer anyway. given the state of current
> microscopy software you don't
> even want to breath on it; equip it with gigabit ethernet and store it
> on a proper server. this way you will
> not disturb recordings when you access the data either.
> /Johan
>> Jon
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On
>> Behalf Of Pascal Lorentz
>> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:33 AM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: Leica SP5 Computer setup
>> Dear List,
>> a few month ago we acquired a new Leica SP5.
>> For better data security we wanted to set up a Raid Systems.
>> Unfortunately the built in Raid controller does not allow us to mirror
>> the existing system setup.
>> Therefore we needed to install the system from scratch on a mirrored
>> hard disk. But now we run into problems. It seems that there are
>> additional configurations needed if you want to install the LAS AF
>> software from Leica.
>> The software is running but as soon as we start a scan it crashes. I
>> heard from Leica that there are additional configurations needed in
>> Windows to make the software run. But for whatever reason they are not
>> willing to share this information.
>> It is really frustrating since they just resell a HP computer for a
>> price that is 3 times higher and they don't offer any competent support.
>> Is anybody of you aware of the configuration that has to be done in
>> Windows if a system is installed from scratch.
>> Any comments are highly welcome.
>> Cheers
>> Pascal