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Leica TCS-SP2 Shutter settings

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Matthew Pearson-3 Matthew Pearson-3
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Leica TCS-SP2 Shutter settings

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Hi there,

I am using a Leica TCS-SP2 confocal and in the past when switching from
'leica confocal software' scan mode to visual the shutter has initially
opened but automatically closed again, so that you have to physically
open the shutter in order to view your specimen in the occulars.  I
believe this is to prevent bleaching to the sample from accidental
over-exposure to the laser.

Now however, when switching from scan to visual, the shutter opens but
remains open, so you have to be on the ball in order to close the
shutter to prevent bleaching.

Does anyone know how you can change this setting?  I have no idea how it
has changed within the last few days when it has been the same for a few

Many thanks,

Matt Pearson
Institute of Ophthalmology.
jlribas jlribas
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Re: Leica TCS-SP2 Shutter settings

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Hi Matt,
I think you have a problem with a screw that is slackned in the shutter
mechanism. If the screw that control the two pieces of the shutter is
not fasten well then the shutter will stay in confocal or visual.
If you want to solve the problem is very simple. You need to press the
screw I'm talking about. For doing that you have to remove the scanner
attached to the microscope, and fall down the microscope to get access
to the bottom part. The shutter is the first piece that come into your
eyes when you open the bottom plate of the microscope. In order to be
sure that you are touching the correct piece, you can turn on the
microscope and press the visual/confocal button, then you will see that
a black piece is very important in the movement of the shutter. You will
need a very very small allen key.
Also notice that  the shutter ussually works in vertical position, so
you must do all the  test s with the shutter in this possition.

Good luck

Matthew Pearson escribió:

> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
> Hi there,
> I am using a Leica TCS-SP2 confocal and in the past when switching
> from 'leica confocal software' scan mode to visual the shutter has
> initially opened but automatically closed again, so that you have to
> physically open the shutter in order to view your specimen in the
> occulars.  I believe this is to prevent bleaching to the sample from
> accidental over-exposure to the laser.
> Now however, when switching from scan to visual, the shutter opens but
> remains open, so you have to be on the ball in order to close the
> shutter to prevent bleaching.
> Does anyone know how you can change this setting?  I have no idea how
> it has changed within the last few days when it has been the same for
> a few years!
> Many thanks,
> Matt Pearson
> Institute of Ophthalmology.

Juan Luis Ribas
Servicio de Microscopía
Centro de Investigación, Tecnología e Innovación
Universidad de Sevilla
Av. Reina Mercedes 4b
41012 Sevilla
B. Prabhakar Pandian B. Prabhakar Pandian
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Calcium Imaging Methods

In reply to this post by Matthew Pearson-3
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          Does anybody know of a review article or website that talks
about the various methods of calcium imaging and pros/cons of each of
the methods, etc.




B. Prabhakar Pandian
CFD Research Corporation
Biomedical Technology
215 Wynn Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Ph: 256-726-4942
Fax: 256-726-4806
Dr. Mark A. DeCoster Dr. Mark A. DeCoster
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Re: Calcium Imaging Methods

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"Imaging Neurons: A laboratory Manual" by Yuste, Lanni, and Konnerth has a
whole section on this (section 5 in the 2000 edition)

Dr. Mark A. DeCoster
Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Louisiana Tech University
-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of B. Prabhakar Pandian
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:24 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Calcium Imaging Methods

Search the CONFOCAL archive at

          Does anybody know of a review article or website that talks
about the various methods of calcium imaging and pros/cons of each of
the methods, etc.




B. Prabhakar Pandian
CFD Research Corporation
Biomedical Technology
215 Wynn Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
Ph: 256-726-4942
Fax: 256-726-4806