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PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX problem

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周冠裕 周冠裕
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PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX problem



Does anyone have experience about PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX?

We find the USB device (ProSync) disappears sometime when system is being capture image.

The control software is Volocity, We try to update the driver but it doesn’t work.

Does anyone work smooth with PerkinElmer Ultra VIEW?


Thank a lot



Stefan Terjung Stefan Terjung
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Re: PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX problem

Dear Gy-Chou,

we run a PerkinElmer VoX since quite some time in the ALMF at EMBL Heidelberg. As far as I know we don´t have the problem you are describing. I would recommend to install the newest Volocity release first and if this doesn´t help check if there are any other problems on the PC.
Maybe it already helps to plug the prosync into another USB port ?

Did you install any other software/drivers on this machine, which are not related to Volocity !? We usually don´t install any other software on microscope PCs and rather analyze data on separate workstations.

If all the above don´t solve your problem I would call the service, we have good experience with the service and it might still be under warrantee (I guess you are using a PC bought from PerkinElmer !)?

Hope this helps,

best regards,


Dr. Stefan Terjung
Advanced Light Microscopy Facility
EMBL Heidelberg
D - 69117 Heidelberg

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 09:41:55 +0800
> Von: "周冠裕" <[hidden email]>
> An: [hidden email]
> Betreff: PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX problem

> Hi,
> Does anyone have experience about PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX?
> We find the USB device (ProSync) disappears sometime when system is being
> capture image.
> The control software is Volocity, We try to update the driver but it
> doesn’t work.
> Does anyone work smooth with PerkinElmer Ultra VIEW?
> Thank a lot
> GY-Chou

Stefan Terjung             [hidden email]
Am Kirchberg 3            Tel.  +49-6221-7356708
69221 Dossenheim

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Jason Stephens Jason Stephens
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Re: PerkinElmer UltraVIEW VoX problem

In reply to this post by 周冠裕
Dear GY-Chou,
I am sorry to hear this news. Myself and my team will contact you to ensure
we reach a solution.
Best Regards,

Jason Stephens

Technical Support Manager

PerkinElmer Improvision

Volocity 5

High Performance 3D-4D imaging software for a better insight to your science

To find out more please visit

