Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

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Edelmann, Richard E. Dr. Edelmann, Richard E. Dr.
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Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

        Following the discussions of Spectral detection vs filter based
detection, I have had some offline discussions and have come up with
a few questions that I am hoping to hear discussed.

        There are two types of "Spectral" imaging detectors:  One uses a
prism or diffraction grating and variable width thin slit aperture  
select the wavelengths that enter the PMT (Basically using the
prism/grating and thin slit window to serve the role of the emission
filter). The other "spectral" imaging is Multi-channel spectral
imaging.  In
which the single PMT is replaced with a detector "array".  The total
of wavelengths which are sent to the detector array and the specific
range a wavelengths each channel collects is user determined.

                There are clear flexibility advantages to the spectral detectors vs
the filter detectors.  And there are analytical / imaging advantages
of the multi-channel detectors in having detailed information more
specific as to which wavelengths the signal is in - limited by the
wavelength resolution of the detector. ( And yes similar information
can be gotten by "Scanning" the single channel spectral detector, but
at the cost of time).  BUT other than cost - what is/are the
disadvantages of the single channel spectral vs the multi-channel?

        There is a "Binning" of the wavelengths effect of the single channel
detector which results in a stronger signal (which can be done
essentially after the fact with the multi-channels).  Is there a
actual signal detection difference between the single and multi-
channel detectors?  Is there more amplification noise in the
"array's" vs the tube PMT's?  Is there some other factor which
effects the signal detection?  Maintenance?  Calibration?  Lifetime?

        All  response are welcome - if you want to respond directly rather
than to the list that is fine as well.

        Thank you!

Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D.
Electron Microscopy Facility Director
364 Pearson Hall
Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056
Ph: 513.529.5712        Fax: 513.529.4243
E-mail: [hidden email]

"RAM disk is NOT an installation procedure."
qiqi_1983 qiqi_1983
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

 As you said, time is very important. Multi-channel detector can get a spectrum in one time, that means you can observe the shift of spectrum real-time, ex. in fluorescence. For single channel detector, the "scanning" rely on mechanical shift ----that's too slow! Get different wavelength in different time.
But maybe PMT is more sensitive than "array" usually. Or you can get a spectral EMCCD, ICCD.
 So, depend on your need for velocity.
Tian Tian,
State key lab of bioelectronics,
Southeast University, China,
Craig Brideau Craig Brideau
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

We went with multi-channel after a lot of consideration.  Our theory was that since dyes photobleach, you have a limited number of photons emitted from your sample.  Once they are gone, you can't get them back.  If you use a slit-based system you are throwing away photons that you can never get back again.  With the multi-channel system you collect everything at once, which is why we went with the Nikon system.  We also found that getting complete spectra has been very useful for what we want to do.


On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 9:26 AM, qiqi_1983 <[hidden email]> wrote:
 As you said, time is very important. Multi-channel detector can get a spectrum in one time, that means you can observe the shift of spectrum real-time, ex. in fluorescence. For single channel detector, the "scanning" rely on mechanical shift ----that's too slow! Get different wavelength in different time.
But maybe PMT is more sensitive than "array" usually. Or you can get a spectral EMCCD, ICCD.
 So, depend on your need for velocity.

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Christian-103 Christian-103
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

In reply to this post by Edelmann, Richard E. Dr.
Could someone who's up on the technology please review which companies offer which technology?


Guy Cox Guy Cox
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

If we look at the rival technologies in their simplest form we have:
Leica:  All detection is spectral.  Conventional PMTs are used so sensitivity is maximised.  Any desired wavelength range can be put to each detector so there is never any need to buy filters.  Acquiring a spectrum involves sequentially scanning a slit through the deisred range, acquiring an image at each point, which is therefore very slow but the spectrum is high-resolution.
Zeiss 510:  Spectral detection uses a 32 PMT array, so that acquiring a spectrum is quite fast, but relatively low res (32 channels).  Any group of channels can be binned to give a wavelength range within the resolution of the 32 channels.  However the 32 channel PMT array is less sensitive than conventional single PMTs,so an alternative detection path goes through conventional filters to conventional PMTs.  This gives high sensitivity but has all the limitations of filter based detection.
Essentially, when it comes to acquiring a spectral image, it's a trade-off between speed on one side and sensitivity and resolution on the other.  It will depend on your experiment which is best.
Othe systems do tricks such as sending only part of the spectrum to a 32-channel array, thus increasing the resolution, but also putting more optical elements in the way. 

Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
Mobile 0413 281 861


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Christian
Sent: Monday, 13 April 2009 5:26 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

Could someone who's up on the technology please review which companies offer which technology?


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Armstrong, Brian Armstrong, Brian
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

Yes, I think the account of the Leica SP5 AOBS system is accurate and could be considered a true spectral system.


The LSM 510 is no longer available and the new LSM 710 now selects the spectral lambda via prisms instead of filters. Moreover, in the 710 META system each channel of 32 has its own gain which can be used to boost each bin of spectral information seperately (~10nm bins).


You should be able to discern 32 separate “colors”  with this system and with much greater sensitivity than the LSM510.





Brian D Armstrong PhD

Light Microscopy Core Manager

Beckman Research Institute

City of Hope

Dept of Neuroscience

1450 E Duarte Rd

Duarte, CA 91010

626-256-4673 x62872


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Guy Cox
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 1:07 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel


If we look at the rival technologies in their simplest form we have:


Leica:  All detection is spectral.  Conventional PMTs are used so sensitivity is maximised.  Any desired wavelength range can be put to each detector so there is never any need to buy filters.  Acquiring a spectrum involves sequentially scanning a slit through the deisred range, acquiring an image at each point, which is therefore very slow but the spectrum is high-resolution.


Zeiss 510:  Spectral detection uses a 32 PMT array, so that acquiring a spectrum is quite fast, but relatively low res (32 channels).  Any group of channels can be binned to give a wavelength range within the resolution of the 32 channels.  However the 32 channel PMT array is less sensitive than conventional single PMTs,so an alternative detection path goes through conventional filters to conventional PMTs.  This gives high sensitivity but has all the limitations of filter based detection.


Essentially, when it comes to acquiring a spectral image, it's a trade-off between speed on one side and sensitivity and resolution on the other.  It will depend on your experiment which is best.


Othe systems do tricks such as sending only part of the spectrum to a 32-channel array, thus increasing the resolution, but also putting more optical elements in the way. 





Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
Mobile 0413 281 861



From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Christian
Sent: Monday, 13 April 2009 5:26 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

Could someone who's up on the technology please review which companies offer which technology?



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Zucker.Robert Zucker.Robert
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

In reply to this post by Edelmann, Richard E. Dr.
I have worked extensively with the following spectral systems (Leica,
Zeiss, Nikon and PARISS) and have tested each of them for spectral
accuracy, speed, sensitivity, and software.

There are 4 companies that make spectral confocal systems (Leica, Zeiss,
Nikon and Olympus) plus there are a number of non confocal systems
including CRI: Nuance; LightForm: PARISS; and Applied Spectral Imaging:

The fastest, most sensitive instrument, PARISS, is a prism based
wide-field system, which yields data between 400-900nm almost
instantaneously with a demonstrated spectral resolution of  1 nm. The
limitation is the depth of penetration.

Diffraction grating systems: The Zeiss 710 has a 9.8nm bandpass that can
be reduced to 3nm or 5nm with sequential scanning. The Nikon A1 or C1Si
systems have the ability to do 32 channels instantaneously at a spectral
resolution of 2.5nm 5nm or 10nm.

However, reducing the bandpass size reduces light throughput. The
properties of the wavelength dispersive device and the wavelength
detector become critical in the detection of emitted light and are
factors to consider.

Part of the problem for diffraction gratings is that they have a maximum
efficiency at a single wavelength, then at shorter and longer
wavelengths efficiency falls off fast.  This is compounded by the
spectral sensitivity of some PMTs that struggle much below 500nm, and
above 700 nm. Wide-field spectral systems get around the PMT QE curve by
using CCD cameras that offer good efficiency up to 900 nm.

Prisms are considerably more efficient than diffraction gratings
presenting a fairly flat wavelength versus intensity response. However,
the speed to acquire 250 nm from a sequential Leica system is about 2
minutes. In my opinion, many experiments cannot be performed effectively
using sequential scanning.

Software--All the companies have propriety software, but not all
programs are equally effective for spectral unmixing.

Bottom line--this is not an easy choice--consider speed, spectral
accuracy, software features, and confocal/non confocal companies and
company reputation. Choose wisely.

Best wishes

Robert M. Zucker, PhD
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research and Development
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory.
Reproductive Toxicology Division
Telephone: 919-541-1585   Fax: 919-541-4017
e-mail: [hidden email]

Developmental Biology Branch ( MD 67)
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 27711

Shipping address:
2525 E.NC Highway 54
Durham, NC, 27713

| From:      |
  |"Richard E. Edelmann" <[hidden email]>                                                                                                 |
| To:        |
  |[hidden email]                                                                                                            |
| Date:      |
  |04/11/2009 09:13 AM                                                                                                                         |
| Subject:   |
  |Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel                                                                                                   |

             Following the discussions of Spectral detection vs filter
detection, I have had some offline discussions and have come up with
a few questions that I am hoping to hear discussed.

             There are two types of "Spectral" imaging detectors:  One
uses a
prism or diffraction grating and variable width thin slit aperture
select the wavelengths that enter the PMT (Basically using the
prism/grating and thin slit window to serve the role of the emission
filter). The other "spectral" imaging is Multi-channel spectral
imaging.  In
which the single PMT is replaced with a detector "array".  The total
of wavelengths which are sent to the detector array and the specific
range a wavelengths each channel collects is user determined.

                         There are clear flexibility advantages to the
spectral detectors vs
the filter detectors.  And there are analytical / imaging advantages
of the multi-channel detectors in having detailed information more
specific as to which wavelengths the signal is in - limited by the
wavelength resolution of the detector. ( And yes similar information
can be gotten by "Scanning" the single channel spectral detector, but
at the cost of time).  BUT other than cost - what is/are the
disadvantages of the single channel spectral vs the multi-channel?

             There is a "Binning" of the wavelengths effect of the
single channel
detector which results in a stronger signal (which can be done
essentially after the fact with the multi-channels).  Is there a
actual signal detection difference between the single and multi-
channel detectors?  Is there more amplification noise in the
"array's" vs the tube PMT's?  Is there some other factor which
effects the signal detection?  Maintenance?  Calibration?  Lifetime?

             All  response are welcome - if you want to respond directly
than to the list that is fine as well.

             Thank you!

Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D.
Electron Microscopy Facility Director
364 Pearson Hall
Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056
Ph: 513.529.5712        Fax: 513.529.4243
E-mail: [hidden email]

"RAM disk is NOT an installation procedure."
Christian-103 Christian-103
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

In reply to this post by Edelmann, Richard E. Dr.

What is the sensitivity of the PARISS system in comparison to more traditional confocal systems?  Originally I needed to detect fluorescent proteins INSIDE chloroplasts.  Traditionally, my core facility uses Olympus systems, but for a tidy sum over $350,000, and from reading posts such as this, I do very much wonder if I should be looking at the problem at hand much more closely.

Thanks for all the information thus far!


PARISS, is a prism based
wide-field system, which yields data between 400-900nm almost
instantaneously with a demonstrated spectral resolution of  1 nm. The
limitation is the depth of penetration.

Christian-103 Christian-103
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Re: Spectral: Single channel vs Multi-channel

In reply to this post by Edelmann, Richard E. Dr.

What is the sensitivity of the PARISS system in comparison to more traditional confocal systems?  Originally I needed to detect fluorescent proteins INSIDE chloroplasts.  Traditionally, my core facility uses Olympus systems, but for a tidy sum over $350,000, and from reading posts such as this, I do very much wonder if I should be looking at the problem at hand much more closely.

Thanks for all the information thus far!


PARISS, is a prism based
wide-field system, which yields data between 400-900nm almost
instantaneously with a demonstrated spectral resolution of  1 nm. The
limitation is the depth of penetration.