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Which manufacture objective are interchangeable and 4x/5X objectives

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Steven Bourke Steven Bourke
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Which manufacture objective are interchangeable and 4x/5X objectives

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A quick question,

As per the majority of users there is more than one manufactures scope in
our lab and I have a memory that certain manufactures lens can be used on
more than one scope. Is this still correct or have they all now different
thread pitch etc etc

I guess the other option is to have an adapter collar made which will
provide the required flexibility.

The reason I ask I'm in the process of getting a 4X/5X objective and can't
seem to find what I want with Zeiss.

(As an aside)What is the lists experience on low mag objectives with upright
scopes for fluorescent whole tissue imaging. Olympus offer a 2X/4X with the
option of dipping cover and feedback from users.

Many thanks

Steve Bourke
Smooth Muscle Research Center
Julian Smith III Julian Smith III
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Re: Which manufacture objective are interchangeable and 4x/5X objectives

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If you mean the infinity-corrected objectives, I've not found any
that interchange and give what I'd call a satisfactory image.  They
all seem to have different-focal-length tube lenses to generate the
"infinity" space.
If you mean old-style 160mm lenses, then yes: Zeiss, Olympus
LB-series (also 37mm series with a PLEZY adapter), and  Leitz
170mm/DIN-length (or 37mm length with a PLEZY) objectives are
functionally interchangeable, in my experience.  Nikon CF 160mm
objectives will fit, but the chromatic correction is 'way off.  Leitz
160mm ditto, although my experiece with those is more limited.

>Search the CONFOCAL archive at
>A quick question,
>As per the majority of users there is more than one manufactures scope in
>our lab and I have a memory that certain manufactures lens can be used on
>more than one scope. Is this still correct or have they all now different
>thread pitch etc etc
>I guess the other option is to have an adapter collar made which will
>provide the required flexibility.
>The reason I ask I'm in the process of getting a 4X/5X objective and can't
>seem to find what I want with Zeiss.
>(As an aside)What is the lists experience on low mag objectives with upright
>scopes for fluorescent whole tissue imaging. Olympus offer a 2X/4X with the
>option of dipping cover and feedback from users.
>Many thanks
>Steve Bourke
>Smooth Muscle Research Center

Julian P.S. Smith III
Director, Winthrop Microscopy Facility
Dept. of Biology
Winthrop University
520 Cherry Rd.
Rock Hill, SC  29733

803-323-2111 x6427 (vox)
803-323-3448 (fax)
803-524-2347 (cell)
Glen MacDonald-2 Glen MacDonald-2
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Re: Which manufacture objective are interchangeable and 4x/5X objectives

In reply to this post by Steven Bourke
Search the CONFOCAL archive at

Zeiss and Olympus are nearly interchangeable according to Zeiss  
documentation.  The major issues are focal lengths of the tube lenses  
and lateral chromatic aberration. Olympus  fully corrects in the lens  
and Zeiss corrects for with the intermediate lens.  A Zeiss 25X/.8 MI  
lens on an Olympus confocal gave good results when zoomed 2X to avoid  
the lateral aberrations.  The threads matched.  However, if the Zeiss  
tube lens is over-correcting and Olympus lens it may be a question of  
testing on multi-color beads.  If the effect is at the margins of the  
field and you can live with a bit of zoom then if may work.  The mag  
will about 9% larger due to the difference in f-tube, giving a slight  
darker image.

Glen MacDonald
Core for Communication Research
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center
Box 357923
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-7923  USA
(206) 616-4156
[hidden email]

The box said "Requires WindowsXP or better", so I bought a Macintosh.

On Apr 1, 2008, at 4:19 AM, Steven Bourke wrote:

> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
> A quick question,
> As per the majority of users there is more than one manufactures  
> scope in
> our lab and I have a memory that certain manufactures lens can be  
> used on
> more than one scope. Is this still correct or have they all now  
> different
> thread pitch etc etc
> I guess the other option is to have an adapter collar made which will
> provide the required flexibility.
> The reason I ask I'm in the process of getting a 4X/5X objective  
> and can't
> seem to find what I want with Zeiss.
> (As an aside)What is the lists experience on low mag objectives  
> with upright
> scopes for fluorescent whole tissue imaging. Olympus offer a 2X/4X  
> with the
> option of dipping cover and feedback from users.
> Many thanks
> Steve Bourke
> Smooth Muscle Research Center
> Ireland