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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Dear List, I wonder about the exact definition of working distance. As I understood, in the case were the objective is not corrected for coverslip, this distance is the between the front of the objective and the specimen to be imaged. In the case were I use a a coverslip corrected objective, what does it mean?. For example I use a 63X water objective from Olympus with a working distance of 300 um. The coverslip thickness is 150 um. What is the effective distance between the front of the objective and the specimen ?? 300 um ??? Here www.microscopyu.com/articles/ formulas/formulasworkingparfocal.htm I saw that the distance is between the objective and the upper side of the coverslip ?? I don t know if I misunderstood something or not Thanks, Stephane -- Stéphane Pages PhD Neurobiologie cellulaire Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG) Bureau/office: F-5570 2601, Chemin de la Canardière Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3 Canada Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office) Fax: 418-663-8756 Courriel/email: [hidden email] |
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Edelmann, Richard E. Dr. |
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Stéphane: To my understanding the cover slip is considered an optical element of the lens itself - which is why coverslip thickness is so critical, and the working distance is the distance "beyond" the optical elements of the lens. So if your lens calls for a 0.17mm coverslip and has a WD or 300um, you get 300um beyond the 170um coverslip. HOWEVER, if your coverslip is really 190um ( 0.160-0.190mm) you only get 280um. If you are using a correction collar then you can correct the optics to include the thicker 190um coverslip, and thereby recover your "lost" 20um. On 30 Sep 2007 at 12:50, Stéphane Pagès wrote: > Search the CONFOCAL archive at > http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal > > Dear List, > > I wonder about the exact definition of working distance. As I > understood, in the case were the objective is not corrected for > coverslip, this distance is the between the front of the objective and > the specimen to be imaged. > In the case were I use a a coverslip corrected objective, what does it > mean?. For example I use a 63X water objective from Olympus with a > working distance of 300 um. The coverslip thickness is 150 um. What is > the effective distance between the front of the objective and the > specimen ?? 300 um ??? Here > www.microscopyu.com/articles/ formulas/formulasworkingparfocal.htm > I saw that the distance is between the objective and the upper side of > the coverslip ?? > I don t know if I misunderstood something or not > > Thanks, Stephane > -- > Stéphane Pages PhD > Neurobiologie cellulaire > Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG) > Bureau/office: F-5570 > 2601, Chemin de la Canardière > Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3 > Canada > Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office) > Fax: 418-663-8756 > Courriel/email: [hidden email] Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D. Electron Microscopy Facility Director 364 Pearson Hall Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056 Ph: 513.529.5712 Fax: 513.529.4243 E-mail: [hidden email] http://www.emf.muohio.edu |
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Dear Stephane,
The working distance is defined simply as the distance between the front element of the objective (OR condenser, since it has a WD also) to the top of the specimen. For the objective, the coverslip is considered the top of the objectivev.. Richard has an important point regarding the coverslip being an optical element in this system. Image formation has two components: refraction and diffraction. Both involve the bending of light as it interacts with the sample ... or anything else it encounters. Most of us don't need a PhD in optics, so I won't go into all the fine detail, but I strongly recommend checking out a simple physics review book (one of those paperback summaries) and looking up Snell's law. It will really help you to understand the impact, especially of refraction, as light passes through various boundaries, from slide to the mountant to the sample to the coverslip through the air or oil or water and into the objective. The basic thought here: if light crosses a boundary at an angle, it will change direction. If it is going from higher refractive index (where its electric field has more interaction with the electric field, as in glass or oil), it will bend toward an imaginary reference line which is perpenidcular to the interface. In the microscope, that is typically the optical axis (with the caveat of a few assumptions). If it moves into a material of lower refractive index, such as air, it will bend away from that reference line. Light carries information, so if it bends enough so that it escapes being collected by the objective, that information is lost. That happens with either very fine detail, which causes light to diffract (bend) strongly and/or or with a big difference in refractive index (ex: moving from coverslip into air). Also, as has been mentioned, if you don't use the right coverslip thickness (0.17mm = # 1-1/2), it is like having a lens out of position and your image will suffer from spherical aberration (it will be soft, mushy, and difficult to focus). Simple experiment: Use a thin, well-stained sample. Observe it with an objective that has a coverslip rating of 0.17 (see the engravings on the barrel). Then observe it (a) without a coverslip and (b) with a double coverslip. There's lots more to this story, but them's the bare bones. Hope it was helpful. Best regards, Barbara Foster We've moved! Microscopy/Microscopy Education 7101 Royal Glen Trail, Suite A McKinney TX 75070 P: (972)924-5310 Skype: fostermme W: www.MicroscopyEducation.com MME is now scheduling customized, on-site courses through December. Call us today for details. P. S. Need a good general reference or light microscopy text for next semester? Call us today to learn more about "Optimizing LIght Microscopy". Copies still available through MME... even for class-room lots ... and we give quantity discounts. Just call us here in the MME office for details. At 01:42 PM 10/1/2007, Richard E. Edelmann wrote: Search the CONFOCAL archive at |
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Barbara – Is there a typo? Did you
mean the coverslip is considered the
top of the SPECIMEN ? lauren M. Peterson,
PhD Lead Physicist - Photonics From: Confocal
Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Barbara Foster Dear Stephane, Search the CONFOCAL archive at |
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In reply to this post by Barbara Foster
Search the CONFOCAL archive at
http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Barbara Foster wrote: > The working distance is defined simply as the distance between the front > element of the objective (OR condenser, since it has a WD also) to the > top of the specimen. For the objective, the coverslip is considered the > top of the objectivev.. Barbara-- Did you mean to say "For the objective, the coverslip is considered the top of the objective," or "For the objective, the coverslip is considered the top of the SPECIMEN." Martin -- Martin Wessendorf, Ph.D. office: (612) 626-0145 Assoc Prof, Dept Neuroscience lab: (612) 624-2991 University of Minnesota Preferred FAX: (612) 624-8118 6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE Dept Fax: (612) 626-5009 Minneapolis, MN 55455 E-mail: martinw[at]med.umn.edu |
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In reply to this post by Peterson, Lauren M.
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Nope. For a conventionally prepared specimen, the working distance
is the distance between the front element of the objective and the
B At 03:33 PM 10/1/2007, you wrote: Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal |
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In reply to this post by Martin Wessendorf
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal At 04:33 PM 10/1/2007, Martin Wessendorf wrote: Sorry, folks. I did mean the top of the SPECIMEN (busy Monday afternoon!!!). B >Search the CONFOCAL archive at >http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal > >Barbara Foster wrote: > >>The working distance is defined simply as the distance between the >>front element of the objective (OR condenser, since it has a WD >>also) to the top of the specimen. For the objective, the coverslip >>is considered the top of the objectivev.. > >Barbara-- > >Did you mean to say "For the objective, the coverslip is considered the >top of the objective," or "For the objective, the coverslip is >considered the top of the SPECIMEN." > >Martin >-- >Martin Wessendorf, Ph.D. office: (612) 626-0145 >Assoc Prof, Dept Neuroscience lab: (612) 624-2991 >University of Minnesota Preferred FAX: (612) 624-8118 >6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE Dept Fax: (612) 626-5009 >Minneapolis, MN 55455 E-mail: martinw[at]med.umn.edu |
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In reply to this post by Stéphane Pagès
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal I have just noted that I sent my reply to Stéphane directly instead of to the list. Richard and Barbara have meanwhile explained most of in in much more detail, but maybe the aspect of the AFP versus NFP is worth it to be reposted. For those who want to look in the details of this aspect, I recommend chapter 20: "Lens aberrations in confocal fluorescent microscopy" by Stefan Hell and Ernst Stelzer in the second edition of the "Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy." There is a respective chapter in the 3rd edition but I haven't read this one yet. Steffen ---------------- Stéphane, for coverslip-objectives (were the coverslip should usually be 0.17 mm thick, as marked on the barrel) the working distance is the distance between the focal plane and the coverslip/mounting medium interface when the objective hits the coverslip. In other words, in your case with 63x? (probably 60x when from Olympus) you can image at most a total height of 300 um, the coverslip/mounting medium interface is then at 0 um. Of course, this is all calculated for a perfect optical system (sample embedded in immersion medium). In real microscopy you often have a refractive index mismatch (in particular with oil immersion objectives) which causes the "nominal focal point" to diverge from the "actual focal point". This means: In a system with an automated z-drive, when you move the stage down or up for 100 um, the focal point moves in the specimen by a different height. With the water immersion lens and an aqueous medium (and a coverslip of the right thickness) you should do ok in this respect. Steffen At 18:50 30.09.2007, you wrote: >Search the CONFOCAL archive at >http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal > >Dear List, > >I wonder about the exact definition of working distance. As I >understood, in the case were the objective is not corrected for >coverslip, this distance is the between the front of the objective and >the specimen to be imaged. >In the case were I use a a coverslip corrected objective, what does it >mean?. For example I use a 63X water objective from Olympus with a >working distance of 300 um. The coverslip thickness is 150 um. What is >the effective distance between the front of the objective and the >specimen ?? 300 um ??? Here >www.microscopyu.com/articles/ formulas/formulasworkingparfocal.htm >I saw that the distance is between the objective and the upper side of >the coverslip ?? >I don t know if I misunderstood something or not > >Thanks, Stephane >-- >Stéphane Pages PhD >Neurobiologie cellulaire >Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG) >Bureau/office: F-5570 >2601, Chemin de la Canardière >Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3 >Canada >Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office) >Fax: 418-663-8756 >Courriel/email: [hidden email] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steffen Dietzel, PD Dr. rer. nat Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Walter-Brendel-Zentrum (WBZ) Head of light microscopy Building location and address for courier, parcel services etc: Marchioninistr. 27, D-81366 München (Großhadern) Mail room (for letters etc.): Marchioninistr. 15, D-81366 München Phone: +49/89/2180-76509 Fax: +49/89/2180-76503 (please anounce incoming fax by e-mail) skype: steffendietzel e-mail: [hidden email] (for everything university related) or [hidden email] |
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In reply to this post by Edelmann, Richard E. Dr.
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Richard - I believe that your 'HOWEVER' is a bit more complicated than you suggest and also not quite as bad as you say in that you do not loose as much working distance. I did a simple ray tracing based upon Snell's Law for the rays going through the cover slip to find that for large NA the "lost" working distance in your example is not 20um but 20/n = 20/1.523 = 13.1um. This is the case for NA < 0.3 and assumes that objective to coverslip is air. For larger NA, WD lost is even less than 20/n and goes to zero for the largest NA = 1 in air. Here are the details of the formula if you are interested. If x is the coverslip mismatch thickness (20um in your example) and d is the actual lost WD then d = x * sqrt { [(1/NA)^2 - 1] / [(n/NA)^2 - 1] } You can see that when NA is very small, the 1/NA terms dominate and the -1 is negligible. We have sqrt{1/n^2} = 1/n. In the limit as NA goes to 1, the numerator goes to 1-1=0 such that d goes toward 0 -- almost no loss of WD when NA is large. If you plot d/x, you get a quadrant of an ellipse with a low NA asymptote of 1/n = 0.657 and a high NA asymptote of 0. Lauren M. Peterson, PhD Lead Physicist - Photonics Michigan R&D Center (formerly ERIM - Veridian) General Dynamics - Advanced Information Systems 1200 Joe Hall Dr., P.O. Box 990 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 734-480-5303 -480-5252 FAX [hidden email] -----Original Message----- From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Richard E. Edelmann Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 3:34 PM To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Working distance Stéphane: To my understanding the cover slip is considered an optical element of the lens itself - which is why coverslip thickness is so critical, and the working distance is the distance "beyond" the optical elements of the lens. So if your lens calls for a 0.17mm coverslip and has a WD or 300um, you get 300um beyond the 170um coverslip. HOWEVER, if your coverslip is really 190um ( 0.160-0.190mm) you only get 280um. If you are using a correction collar then you can correct the optics to include the thicker 190um coverslip, and thereby recover your "lost" 20um. On 30 Sep 2007 at 12:50, Stéphane Pagès wrote: > > Dear List, > I wonder about the exact definition of working distance. As I > understood, in the case were the objective is not corrected for > coverslip, this distance is the between the front of the objective and > the specimen to be imaged. > In the case were I use a a coverslip corrected objective, what does it > mean?. For example I use a 63X water objective from Olympus with a > working distance of 300 um. The coverslip thickness is 150 um. What is > the effective distance between the front of the objective and the > specimen ?? 300 um ??? Here > www.microscopyu.com/articles/ formulas/formulasworkingparfocal.htm > I saw that the distance is between the objective and the upper side of > the coverslip ?? > I don t know if I misunderstood something or not > > Thanks, Stephane > -- > Stéphane Pages PhD > Neurobiologie cellulaire > Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG) > Bureau/office: F-5570 > 2601, Chemin de la Canardière > Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3 > Canada > Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office) > Fax: 418-663-8756 > Courriel/email: [hidden email] Richard E. Edelmann, Ph.D. Electron Microscopy Facility Director 364 Pearson Hall Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056 Ph: 513.529.5712 Fax: 513.529.4243 E-mail: [hidden email] http://www.emf.muohio.edu |
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Position available for a * **Microscopist*** Job description The successful candidate will work in the ‘Microscopy Core Facility’ of a large research department with a strong biomedical focus. In collaboration with other members of this core facility, he/she will support the researchers of the department in their need for cellular imaging techniques, including light and fluorescence microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, live cell imaging, laser scanning cytometry, electron microscopy, and related data management and image analysis. Together with the researchers, he/she will optimize the microscopical observation of their cell preparations by using the most up-to-date technologies and experimental approaches. He/she will be involved in the design and optimization of experiments with the use of advanced microscopy, and for the production of images of optimal quality, as required for publication in high ranking scientific journals. Profile Candidates have * a diploma of Master in (bio)engineering (or equivalent competence by experience; Belgian corresponding degree: Industrieel Ingenieur), preferably with experience in biotechnology and molecular cell biology. * a genuine interest in microscopy and cell biology. * a sense of learning and initiative, responsibility and precision. * a combination of independence and team spirit. * communicative skills and a pro-active attitude. * a fair knowledge of English. More information About the Department for Molecular Biomedical Research and the Microscopy Core Facility on the website http://www.dmbr.ugent.be <http://www.dmbr.ugent.be/> Applications should be sent to: Prof. Dr. Frans VAN ROY Department for Molecular Biomedical Researc (DMBR), VIB & Ghent University, FSVM building, Technologiepark 927, B-9052 Gent (Zwijnaarde), Belgium tel : 09-3313604 - fax: 09-3313500 e-mail : [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]> T |
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In reply to this post by Peterson, Lauren M.
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Dear Lauren My intuition tells me that that the working distance loss due to a thicker coverslip cannot fall to zero with higher NA lenses.... (else I would be able to use a coverslip thicker than the WD!!!). Cheers Mark Peterson, Lauren M. wrote: > Search the CONFOCAL archive at > http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal > > Richard - I believe that your 'HOWEVER' is a bit more complicated than you suggest and also not quite as bad as you say in that you do not loose as much working distance. I did a simple ray tracing based upon Snell's Law for the rays going through the cover slip to find that for large NA the "lost" working distance in your example is not 20um but 20/n = 20/1.523 = 13.1um. This is the case for NA < 0.3 and assumes that objective to coverslip is air. For larger NA, WD lost is even less than 20/n and goes to zero for the largest NA = 1 in air. > > |
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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Working Distance change with wrong coverslip is minor compared with the havoc spherical aberration wreaks on the image. TD -----Original Message----- From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Mark Cannell Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 1:31 PM To: [hidden email] Subject: Re: Working distance Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Dear Lauren My intuition tells me that that the working distance loss due to a thicker coverslip cannot fall to zero with higher NA lenses.... (else I would be able to use a coverslip thicker than the WD!!!). Cheers Mark Peterson, Lauren M. wrote: > Search the CONFOCAL archive at > http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal > > Richard - I believe that your 'HOWEVER' is a bit more complicated than you suggest and also not quite as bad as you say in that you do not loose as much working distance. I did a simple ray tracing based upon Snell's Law for the rays going through the cover slip to find that for large NA the "lost" working distance in your example is not 20um but 20/n = 20/1.523 = 13.1um. This is the case for NA < 0.3 and assumes that objective to coverslip is air. For larger NA, WD lost is even less than 20/n and goes to zero for the largest NA = 1 in air. > > |
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