back projected radius

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Jerry Sedgewick Jerry Sedgewick
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back projected radius

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I wondered if anyone knows the back projected pinhole radius for a Fluoview
1000. My searches have been fruitless and the local Olympus reps haven't
been able to get the numeric value.

Jerry Sedgewick
University of Minnesota
John Oreopoulos John Oreopoulos
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Re: back projected radius

Search the CONFOCAL archive at Hi Jerry,

SVI has a very useful wiki that calculates the back projected pinhole radius for several commercial instruments, and I think even the FV1000 is listed there. Check it out at this link:

John Oreopoulos, BSc,
PhD Candidate
University of Toronto
Institute For Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Centre For Studies in Molecular Imaging

Tel: W:416-946-5022

On 24-Sep-07, at 2:33 PM, Jerry Sedgewick wrote:

Search the CONFOCAL archive at


I wondered if anyone knows the back projected pinhole radius for a Fluoview 1000. My searches have been fruitless and the local Olympus reps haven't been able to get the numeric value.

Jerry Sedgewick
University of Minnesota

Bruce-56 Bruce-56
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3 each Objectives for sale

In reply to this post by Jerry Sedgewick
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Olympus UPlanAPO

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Olympus UPlanFL
40x/0.7 Ph2

1 each
Olympus UPlanAPO
100x/ 1.35 Oil Iris

Photo's Available

$700.00 each
$1900.00 for all three

Bruce Grosso