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cropping Z dimension

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Matiar Jafari Matiar Jafari
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cropping Z dimension

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Dear List Serv,

I was wondering if anyone here knows of a way to crop free hand in the
Z direction.  For example im analyzing dendritic spines and it would
be a lot easier to automate the process if i was able to eliminate
branches that go off in the Z as i do not want to analyze that branch.
 A Z slice cropper would not suffice as it would crop part of the
dendrite that I'm trying to analyze.  The program i deconvolve with
allows me to do a freehand crop in the XY however not in the Z(only
box), thus the solution would probably be to mess with the dimensions
temporarily so that the ZY or ZX becomes the XY however i don't know
how to do this.  Any ideas???

Your help is much appreciated.

Thank You
Matiar Jafari
Arvonn Tully Arvonn Tully
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Re: cropping Z dimension

============================================================ To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ============================================================ *COMMERCIAL RESPONSE* 
Dear Matiar, 

It is possible to do this using Imaris. You can use the Surfaces->Draw tab-->Contour tool to manually define a region which would be either included or excluded.  You can choose the plane to draw the contours on, either XY, YZ, or XZ. 

Then draw the desired contours and create the surface. 

You can then use the Surfaces-->Edit tab-->Mask All  to mask the that drawn surface. 

In the "Mask Dataset" dialog, you can either duplicate the current channel or not - and then you seperately  set the intensity of voxels inside and oustide of the surface to either the original value of that channel, or to an arbitrary value.  Set the value to zero to crop out  the desired region. 

Please let me know if you need any further assistance. 

Best Regards,
Arvonn Tully

Technical and Application Support
Western United States
Support Telephone:+1-888-332-4879 ext 12
fax: 866-691-9112
Bitplane, Inc.
Direct Line:+1-360-448-7599

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:41 PM, Matiar Jafari <[hidden email]> wrote:
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Dear List Serv,

I was wondering if anyone here knows of a way to crop free hand in the
Z direction.  For example im analyzing dendritic spines and it would
be a lot easier to automate the process if i was able to eliminate
branches that go off in the Z as i do not want to analyze that branch.
 A Z slice cropper would not suffice as it would crop part of the
dendrite that I'm trying to analyze.  The program i deconvolve with
allows me to do a freehand crop in the XY however not in the Z(only
box), thus the solution would probably be to mess with the dimensions
temporarily so that the ZY or ZX becomes the XY however i don't know
how to do this.  Any ideas???

Your help is much appreciated.

Thank You
Matiar Jafari

McDonald, David L McDonald, David L
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Re: cropping Z dimension

In reply to this post by Matiar Jafari
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:


You should be able to do this in ImageJ by free hand selecting the
branch(s) you want to eliminate, selecting Edit->Clear, and just
processing that slice.  You would have to do this for each slice
however but it should work.


Dave McDonald
Scientific Imaging Lab
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Avenue North, DE-512
Seattle, WA 98109

At 06:41 PM 9/15/2010, you wrote:

>To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
>Dear List Serv,
>I was wondering if anyone here knows of a way to crop free hand in the
>Z direction.  For example im analyzing dendritic spines and it would
>be a lot easier to automate the process if i was able to eliminate
>branches that go off in the Z as i do not want to analyze that branch.
>  A Z slice cropper would not suffice as it would crop part of the
>dendrite that I'm trying to analyze.  The program i deconvolve with
>allows me to do a freehand crop in the XY however not in the Z(only
>box), thus the solution would probably be to mess with the dimensions
>temporarily so that the ZY or ZX becomes the XY however i don't know
>how to do this.  Any ideas???
>Your help is much appreciated.
>Thank You
>Matiar Jafari
Eric Scarfone Eric Scarfone
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Re: cropping Z dimension

In reply to this post by Matiar Jafari
============================================================ To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ============================================================

Hi Matiar
as others mentionned you can easaly crop out parts on your data slice by slice using any image editing software or in 3d using masking functions such as the one described in Imaris (actually I don't know if other software do that too?).
However all of this means tampering with your data!!

If you have access to Imaris  it is much better tu use their Filamentracer function to reconstructand quantify the whole tree and then select the branches you don't want to include in your final results. This way you can easily show to the referees what you did and why!!

Good Luck




Eric Scarfone, PhD, CNRS,
Center for Hearing and communication Research
Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Karolinska Institutet

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SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden

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email: [hidden email]

----- Original Message -----
From: Matiar Jafari <[hidden email]>
Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:42 am
Subject: cropping Z dimension
To: [hidden email]

> ============================================================
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy
> ============================================================
> Dear List Serv,
> I was wondering if anyone here knows of a way to crop free hand in the

> Z direction. For example im analyzing dendritic spines and it would
> be a lot easier to automate the process if i was able to eliminate
> branches that go off in the Z as i do not want to analyze that branch.
> A Z slice cropper would not suffice as it would crop part of the
> dendrite that I'm trying to analyze. The program i deconvolve with
> allows me to do a freehand crop in the XY however not in the Z(only
> box), thus the solution would probably be to mess with the dimensions
> temporarily so that the ZY or ZX becomes the XY however i don't know
> how to do this. Any ideas???
> Your help is much appreciated.
> Thank You
> -------
> Matiar Jafari