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online booking systems

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Rosemary.White Rosemary.White
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online booking systems

online booking systems Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

Christian Müller-11 Christian Müller-11
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Re: online booking systems

We run MRBS, which lacks flexibility (e.g. I miss user levels, but solved this by running multiple instances of the program) but is easy to use and to administrate. If you don't need the 'extras', it may be a good choice.



Rosemary White schrieb:
online booking systems Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

Dr. Christian M. Müller
Clinical Neuroanatomy
JWG University
D-60528 Frankfurt/M., Germany

Adrian Smith-6 Adrian Smith-6
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Rosemary.White

That system you are currently/previously using sounds great!

I've seen similar functionality discussed in several places (eg on the Purdue Cytometry Mailing List, on a poster a flow conference and in my internal planning meetings with my IT staff!) but when I last look seriously I wasn't able to find all those features actually implemented in a sensible and workable fashion. However, it has been several years since I looked closely so something may have come up.

Is there absolutely no way you can continue using it or get the student to license it to you (or sell it in some other way so you pay for it)? I'm sure there would be others interested in it. If you do make any progress in that regard I would love to know. We've been talking about adding those sort of features on top of the basic open-source solution we are currently using but we've never got to the point of allocating the resources to make it happen.


Adrian Smith
Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia

On 19/11/2008, at 6:38 PM, Rosemary White wrote:

Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

Cesare -ALEMBIC- Cesare -ALEMBIC-
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Re: online booking systems

Dear All,
just to point out about this topic,
this very beatiful web-based
on-line reservation system specifically designed for facilities,
developped in collaboration between Institut Pasteur in Paris and the Rockefeller University in New York.


It's available free of charge for academics or non-profits institutions.

best whishes,


Dr. Cesare Covino
Biologist - Light Microscopy Coordinator
Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
via Olgettina 58, 20132 - Milano - Italy
Tel +39-022643-4636(others -4640, -4641)
Fax +39-022643-4813
e-mail: [hidden email]
ALEMBIC webpage: www.sanraffaele.org/research/alembic

Adrian Smith ha scritto:

That system you are currently/previously using sounds great!

I've seen similar functionality discussed in several places (eg on the Purdue Cytometry Mailing List, on a poster a flow conference and in my internal planning meetings with my IT staff!) but when I last look seriously I wasn't able to find all those features actually implemented in a sensible and workable fashion. However, it has been several years since I looked closely so something may have come up.

Is there absolutely no way you can continue using it or get the student to license it to you (or sell it in some other way so you pay for it)? I'm sure there would be others interested in it. If you do make any progress in that regard I would love to know. We've been talking about adding those sort of features on top of the basic open-source solution we are currently using but we've never got to the point of allocating the resources to make it happen.


Adrian Smith
Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia

On 19/11/2008, at 6:38 PM, Rosemary White wrote:

Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

cromey cromey
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Rosemary.White
online booking systems

The OCF scheduling software was developed here at the University of Arizona.  It’s used extensively here and I understand it’s also used quite a bit elsewhere.  With MS Windows-controlled instruments you can have a piece of code load at login/logout that allows the OCF server to track usage, which is very handy.  Individual users have their own logins and can choose which account numbers to use.  Facility managers can restrict who can schedule on a piece of equipment through an approval process.  Managers can also control the hours of use, and things like how soon before a scheduled session are users allowed to cancel their session…   I also like the ability to send out an email specifically to the registered users of my instrument.



    My confocal facility:  http://schedule.arl.arizona.edu/month.php?user=zeiss&rid=18

    Other facilities:  http://schedule.arl.arizona.edu/select_resource.php?v=1                


More Info:  http://demo.arl.arizona.edu/


I believe the software is freely available for non-profits.  Contact Nirav Merchant [hidden email] or Terrill Youhas [hidden email] for specific details.


Regarding the commercial software Calcium, I have used iCal (also developed by Brownbear Software, www.brownbearsw.com) for several years.  We use it in my dept for room scheduling, lab calendars and low-volume shared-instrument scheduling.  In my experience the tech-support from this company has been excellent and the product we have works very well for our needs.  (No commercial interest)






Douglas W. Cromey, M.S. - Assistant Scientific Investigator

Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy, University of Arizona

1501 N. Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ  85724-5044 USA


office:  AHSC 4212         email: [hidden email]

voice:  520-626-2824       fax:  520-626-2097



Home of: "Microscopy and Imaging Resources on the WWW"


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Rosemary White
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:39 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: online booking systems


Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

Mathieu Marchand-2 Mathieu Marchand-2
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Rosemary.White
The PPMS online management system has most of the capacities you are
looking for (and probably more):
All booking parameters can be different for each instrument and it has
3 levels of user access. You can review user experience and generate
mailing lists and detailed usage reports. Users can request an account
and a training online. Users can report incidents and administrators
can update incidents and organize/log maintenance operations. You can
also add price rules and generate invoices. Many functionalities can
be enabled/disabled in the online administration interface so the
pages are kept simple.
The software is a collaboration between Institut Pasteur and
Rockefeller University, and is available free of charge for academics
and non-profits (a license agreement is needed). More at

Mathieu Marchand
Bio-Imaging Resource Center, The Rockefeller University
1230 York Avenue, box 209, New York, NY 10021
http://www.rockefeller.edu/bioimaging .
+1-212-327-7487 (7489 for fax)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:38 AM, Rosemary White <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We've been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this
> is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a
> student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with
> different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to
> book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether
> they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each
> instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.
> So we've been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The
> current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we're going to
> have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should
> use Outlook calendars, but I'm not very keen on that, it doesn't seem as
> flexible and not everyone uses outlook.
> thanks,
> Rosemary
> Rosemary White
> CSIRO Plant Industry
> GPO Box 1600
> Canberra, ACT 2601
> Australia
> ph 61 2 6246 5475
> fx 61 2 6246 5334
B. Prabhakar Pandian B. Prabhakar Pandian
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Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

In reply to this post by cromey
          Can someone advise me on the best substrates for growing Hela
cells on glass slides.


Daniël Daniël
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Re: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

Just put them on glass without coating, they will attach anyway.
If you want, you could use fibronectin

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of B. Prabhakar Pandian
Sent: woensdag 19 november 2008 16:46
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

          Can someone advise me on the best substrates for growing Hela
cells on glass slides.


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Tamara Howard Tamara Howard
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Re: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

In reply to this post by B. Prabhakar Pandian
I'd add one caveat to the "just toss them onto the glass'
suggestion - make sure your glass slides are clean. The
oils or whatever is on slides out of the box can interfere
with cell growth, even for HeLa. They'll grow on dirty
glass, but they stay rounder (in Z) than if the glass is


On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 09:45:51 -0600
  "B. Prabhakar Pandian" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello:
>          Can someone advise me on the best substrates
>for growing Hela
> cells on glass slides.
> Thanks,
> -Prabhakar

Tamara Howard
Cell Biology & Physiology
Albuquerque, NM
Carol Heckman Carol Heckman
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Re: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

In reply to this post by Daniël
This only works if you have fetal bovine serum or something quite similar in the medium.  Otherwise, you get a very abnormal attachment.  That is to say, cells do not react very well to a naked glass surface.
Carol Heckman
Center for Microscopy & Microanalysis
Bowling Green State University
From: Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Lam, Daniel [[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 10:51 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Substrate  for growing Hela cells on glass slides

Just put them on glass without coating, they will attach anyway.
If you want, you could use fibronectin

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of B. Prabhakar Pandian
Sent: woensdag 19 november 2008 16:46
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

          Can someone advise me on the best substrates for growing Hela
cells on glass slides.


Gebruik van deze informatie door anderen, te weten de niet geadresseerden,zonder
toestemming van de afzender of de geadresseerde(n) is onrechtmatig.
Sanquin is niet aansprakelijk voor onjuiste of onvolledige overbrenging van de
inhoud van een verzonden e-mailbericht, noch voor de late ontvangst daarvan.

Use of this information by persons other than the addressees, without the sender.s
or the addressee(s). permission, is unlawful. Sanquin is not liable for any
incorrect or incomplete conveyance of information contained in an e-mail message
sent, nor for its delayed reception.
Boswell, Carl A - (cboswell) Boswell, Carl A - (cboswell)
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Cesare -ALEMBIC-
A note of caution about the OCF scheduling calendar that Doug described:  It is no longer supported by our tech people, so all users are on their own.  This may not matter if you never have any questions about how to use it.  There is a certain level of tech savvy needed to install the code on each Windows machine also, so bumblers such as myself have to find knowledgable geeks who can set it up properly.  With a few tweaks this could be a much better program, but until someone with appropriate skills and time makes the effort, this is where it stands.
I still use the software for the 6 systems I manage, but am open to the possibility of using other programs that can do what this does and also has support.
Carl A. Boswell, Ph.D.
Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Arizona
FAX 520-621-3709
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: online booking systems

Dear All,
just to point out about this topic,
this very beatiful web-based
on-line reservation system specifically designed for facilities,
developped in collaboration between Institut Pasteur in Paris and the Rockefeller University in New York.


It's available free of charge for academics or non-profits institutions.

best whishes,


Dr. Cesare Covino
Biologist - Light Microscopy Coordinator
Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
via Olgettina 58, 20132 - Milano - Italy
Tel +39-022643-4636(others -4640, -4641)
Fax +39-022643-4813
e-mail: [hidden email]
ALEMBIC webpage: www.sanraffaele.org/research/alembic

Adrian Smith ha scritto:

That system you are currently/previously using sounds great!

I've seen similar functionality discussed in several places (eg on the Purdue Cytometry Mailing List, on a poster a flow conference and in my internal planning meetings with my IT staff!) but when I last look seriously I wasn't able to find all those features actually implemented in a sensible and workable fashion. However, it has been several years since I looked closely so something may have come up.

Is there absolutely no way you can continue using it or get the student to license it to you (or sell it in some other way so you pay for it)? I'm sure there would be others interested in it. If you do make any progress in that regard I would love to know. We've been talking about adding those sort of features on top of the basic open-source solution we are currently using but we've never got to the point of allocating the resources to make it happen.


Adrian Smith
Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia

On 19/11/2008, at 6:38 PM, Rosemary White wrote:

Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

Farid Jalali Farid Jalali
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Re: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

In reply to this post by Tamara Howard
Hello Folks,
Just to add to Tamara's point, I have never plated onto glass slides, but with glass coverslips, I usually dip them in 70% ethanol to sterilize, and then rinse in sterile PBS before plating with cells. From primary human fibroblasts to Hela cells, this seems to work quite well, with the cells adhering firmly and suitable for most downstream application. Using poly-lysine is another option for coating slides/coverslips.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Tamara A Howard <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'd add one caveat to the "just toss them onto the glass' suggestion - make sure your glass slides are clean. The oils or whatever is on slides out of the box can interfere with cell growth, even for HeLa. They'll grow on dirty glass, but they stay rounder (in Z) than if the glass is clean.


On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 09:45:51 -0600
 "B. Prabhakar Pandian" <[hidden email]> wrote:
        Can someone advise me on the best substrates for growing Hela cells on glass slides.



Tamara Howard
Cell Biology & Physiology
Albuquerque, NM

Farid Jalali MSc
Program Leader- Cellular Imaging Core
Applied Molecular Oncology and Radiation Medicine Program
Princess Margaret Hospital (University  Health Network)
Toronto Medical Discovery Tower
Toronto, Canada
416-581-7754 STTARR at TMDT
416-581-7791 STTARR Microscopy Suite
neeraj Gohad-3 neeraj Gohad-3
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Boswell, Carl A - (cboswell)



We have been using the FACES scheduling system which is  hosted by University of Georgia for free  http://faces.ccrc.uga.edu/


We use FACES for our Imaging  facility. It’s quite easy to use, both for the user end and the admin end. For the Admin end there is a lot of flexibility. You can allot different time slots for different instruments in the facility, you can a enforce time restrictions for different instruments. Each user gets their own username and password, you can create groups and sub groups of users, these are some of the features.







Neeraj V. Gohad, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow,

Okeanos Research Group

Department of Biological Sciences

132 Long Hall,Clemson University

Clemson, SC-29634


[hidden email]






From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Carl Boswell
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:12 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: online booking systems


A note of caution about the OCF scheduling calendar that Doug described:  It is no longer supported by our tech people, so all users are on their own.  This may not matter if you never have any questions about how to use it.  There is a certain level of tech savvy needed to install the code on each Windows machine also, so bumblers such as myself have to find knowledgable geeks who can set it up properly.  With a few tweaks this could be a much better program, but until someone with appropriate skills and time makes the effort, this is where it stands.


I still use the software for the 6 systems I manage, but am open to the possibility of using other programs that can do what this does and also has support.




Carl A. Boswell, Ph.D.
Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Arizona
FAX 520-621-3709

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:06 AM

Subject: Re: online booking systems


Dear All,
just to point out about this topic,
this very beatiful web-based on-line reservation system specifically designed for facilities,
developped in collaboration between Institut Pasteur in Paris and the Rockefeller University in New York.


It's available free of charge for academics or non-profits institutions.

best whishes,


Dr. Cesare Covino
Biologist - Light Microscopy Coordinator
Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
via Olgettina 58, 20132 - Milano - Italy
Tel +39-022643-4636(others -4640, -4641)
Fax +39-022643-4813
e-mail: [hidden email]
ALEMBIC webpage: www.sanraffaele.org/research/alembic

Adrian Smith ha scritto:



That system you are currently/previously using sounds great!


I've seen similar functionality discussed in several places (eg on the Purdue Cytometry Mailing List, on a poster a flow conference and in my internal planning meetings with my IT staff!) but when I last look seriously I wasn't able to find all those features actually implemented in a sensible and workable fashion. However, it has been several years since I looked closely so something may have come up.


Is there absolutely no way you can continue using it or get the student to license it to you (or sell it in some other way so you pay for it)? I'm sure there would be others interested in it. If you do make any progress in that regard I would love to know. We've been talking about adding those sort of features on top of the basic open-source solution we are currently using but we've never got to the point of allocating the resources to make it happen.




Adrian Smith

Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia



On 19/11/2008, at 6:38 PM, Rosemary White wrote:

Dear all,
We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that, it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334


Ed Monosov Ed Monosov
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Rosemary.White
Hi Rosemary,
We are using "calendars for  Web"
(http://www.greathill.com/products_server.php) for about 7 years and
very happy with it.

Good Luck.


Rosemary White wrote:

> Dear all,
> We’ve been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but
> this is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and
> owned by, a student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on
> this now, with different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per
> week, time allowed to book in advance, etc.  We can set different
> levels of user access, whether they need training or assistance, and
> can generate email lists for each instrument or for each research
> group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.
> So we’ve been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?
>  The current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we’re
> going to have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin
> said we should use Outlook calendars, but I’m not very keen on that,
> it doesn’t seem as flexible and not everyone uses outlook.
> thanks,
> Rosemary
> Rosemary White
> CSIRO Plant Industry
> GPO Box 1600
> Canberra, ACT 2601
> Australia
> ph 61 2 6246 5475
> fx 61 2 6246 5334

        Edward Monosov, Ph.D.
        Director, Cell Imaging Core
        10901 N. Torrey Pines Rd, B5, R5146
        La Jolla, CA 92037
        P:(858) 795-5206; F:(858) 646-3196
        [hidden email]
M. van de corput M. van de corput
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Re: Substrate for growing Hela cells on glass slides

In reply to this post by B. Prabhakar Pandian
I always grow my cells staight on untreated clean coverslips and/or
slides. For live imaging that might not be enough. You could try poly
L-lysine coatings.

Mariette Kemner
Erasmus MC, NL

Op Wo, 19 november, 2008 4:45 pm, schreef B. Prabhakar Pandian:
> Hello:
>           Can someone advise me on the best substrates for growing Hela
> cells on glass slides.
> Thanks,
> -Prabhakar
Olivier Bardot Olivier Bardot
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Rosemary.White
We are using calendars.net. It is free et easy. It looks like iCal.
Users seems to be happy with that.
Louis Kerr Louis Kerr
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Re: online booking systems

In reply to this post by Mathieu Marchand-2

I began using the PPMS system this summer and so far it has worked well and has been well recieved by our users. It is web based so users can access it anywhere. It resides on one of our institutional servers and was installed by a talented summer student. We have gotten excellent support from the developers and they continue to provide additional functionality. It may not do everything you want but it seemed to be the best fit for us from the systems we investigated.


On Nov 19, 2008, at 10:30 AM, Mathieu Marchand wrote:

The PPMS online management system has most of the capacities you are
looking for (and probably more):
All booking parameters can be different for each instrument and it has
3 levels of user access. You can review user experience and generate
mailing lists and detailed usage reports. Users can request an account
and a training online. Users can report incidents and administrators
can update incidents and organize/log maintenance operations. You can
also add price rules and generate invoices. Many functionalities can
be enabled/disabled in the online administration interface so the
pages are kept simple.
The software is a collaboration between Institut Pasteur and
Rockefeller University, and is available free of charge for academics
and non-profits (a license agreement is needed). More at

Mathieu Marchand
Bio-Imaging Resource Center, The Rockefeller University
1230 York Avenue, box 209, New York, NY 10021
http://www.rockefeller.edu/bioimaging .
+1-212-327-7487 (7489 for fax)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:38 AM, Rosemary White <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear all,
We've been using a good online booking system for our instruments, but this
is coming to an end, sadly, a proprietry system written, and owned by, a
student who has now left.  We have about 12 instruments on this now, with
different minimum/maximum timeslots, hours allowed per week, time allowed to
book in advance, etc.  We can set different levels of user access, whether
they need training or assistance, and can generate email lists for each
instrument or for each research group.  Lots of options, simply laid out.

So we've been trialling Calcium – any other/better options out there?  The
current system is much easier and simpler than Calcium, but we're going to
have to bite the bullet and use something else.  Our admin said we should
use Outlook calendars, but I'm not very keen on that, it doesn't seem as
flexible and not everyone uses outlook.


Rosemary White
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra, ACT 2601

ph 61 2 6246 5475
fx 61 2 6246 5334

Louis Kerr

Research and Education Support Coordinator
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA  02543
508-540-6902 (FAX)
508-292-0289 (Cell phone)
